Our amazing (slightly nuts) cat is looking for a new home in London.

4 min readAug 10, 2016


This is Crayon.

Crayon arrived in our life about 6 years ago when her owner left London to move to America. Crayon is some kind of pedigree (we have no idea what kind) — and it turns out that if someone offers you some kind of pedigree cat free-of-charge, you should probably ask a few questions.

Crayon is now looking for a new home so we thought we’d compile a sort of fact-file for anyone interested in owning this amazing (but slightly nuts) cat.

Why does she need a new home?

Well, in about two months time we’re having a baby. And frankly, a baby in the house just isn’t fair on a cat like Crayon. She’s a very nervous cat, so a loud, crying baby isn’t likely to go down well. And to be honest she’d hate someone else getting all of the attention.

So what’s wrong with her?

We’re not entirely sure what happened to her when she was young but whatever it was turned a very loving cat into a loving but very nervy cat. When we first got her she was an absolute nightmare. If anything startled her, she’d attack a human. If she wasn’t sure on something, she’d attack a human. If she’d lost one of her toys behind the sofa, she’d attack a human. She really liked attacking humans.

The first year or so were, to say the least, interesting. Between the attacks we’d read books and watch documentaries about unhinged cats, and with a fair amount of patience (and a skip-load of tuna) we taught her that attacking humans wasn’t the answer to everything.

Six years on and you wouldn’t believe she was the same cat but she’s still an incredibly nervous moggy. She’s a super-sociable, pretty clingy cat that absolutely loves sitting on laps and being fussed but the diagram below is definitely apt — stroke her on the belly and you’ll get a scratch. Stroke her on the face and she’ll love you forever.

She can’t go outside, either, and loud noises still really scare her — she’ll hide under the bed when it rains and she is absolutely petrified of dustcarts. She gets really, really agitated if she sees another cat at a window, and there are still times when she’ll lunge at you if you startle her, but thankfully it tends to be a warning lunge rather than attack nowadays.

What’s right with her?

Crayon is without a doubt the most loving cat we’ve ever encountered. She loves human company — she’s a proper lap cat and can be quite clingy. If she’s not sleeping she’ll want to be in the same room as you and she’ll tend to follow people around the house — if one of you is upstairs and one of you is downstairs she’ll sit on the stairs to ensure she’s as close to both of you as possible.

She has an obsession with sitting in boxes or bags — however small they are — and she’s quite kitten-like when it comes to playing with string and toys.

Oh yeah, and she has the softest fur known to man.

What sort of owner is she looking for?

We’re looking for someone who can offer Crayon a calm environment. She’s happiest somewhere relatively quiet and will very much expect to be the centre of attention — she’s a definite lap-cat. In an ideal world she’d love an owner that worked from home but she’d be more than happy with a patient cat-lover who could spend time with her most evenings.

Anything else to know?

She comes with all the kit — food bowl, litter tray, toys, cat food, carry case and a mug she drinks water from. Oh, and we’d love occasional updates on how she’s doing (we’ll really miss her!).

We’re hoping to find someone in the next month or so, so if you’d like to find out more, drop me an email on iwanttomeetcrayon@gmail.com

Nicola and Kieran

