TETRIS AGILE Retrospective

Nicolas Duponchel
2 min readJan 24, 2018


Since I’ve been caring about fun in AGILE retrospectives, I tried some new themes. Here is my new one. Playing Tetris while making the review of the sprint.

One by one, each participant places his blocks bottom-up trying not to leave blank slots. The more complexe is the bloc, the worst is the point he wants to mention and vice versa. 3 to 4 blocks for each player and let’s build a Tetris wall !

Tips :

The scrum master should group similar points every step of the way so that there’s no need to take off the blocks at the end of the game. Just use a simple dot-voting to select 3 mains points to debate on, and find solutions.

The srum master should prevent a debate from taking place while a participant is placing his blocs. No reaction is allowed to the public until the final debrief.

Time-Boxing is the key to a successful retrospective, especially with this kind of theme.

See my famous retro theme : Mario

