From custom Wordpress to Flask and Python in a blink of an eye

Nicolas Rodriguez
7 min readNov 30, 2018


A few months ago I had a talk with a client about an ongoing effort on his part to ditch Wordpress (and PHP) and establish a Python-only shop. His employees are all Python programmers and most of the shop’s backbone is coded in PHP.

Their PHP code is a relatively ancient custom patched Wordpress instance… and a real mess I got to admit. He consult me about the best way to rewrite the PHP code with the little PHP resources available he had. I started describing a fairly painless way to migrate the code to Python (probably taking a performance hit which is easily fixable throwing more resources at the problem) and iteratively making its way to a more idiomatic Python code, using an custom made automated transpiler (also known as source-to-source compiler).

I know it is a lot to take in, and most people working in development (always talking from my perspective) are closed-minded about such an endeavour. The first reaction from their team was the classic “that cannot be done!” (or “it is the same effort as rewriting the whole code”).

I proceed to describe them the idea in more detail. In essence:

  1. Convert the PHP code to some form of abstract syntax tree (AST)
  2. Parse the AST nodes and spit out Python code



Nicolas Rodriguez

IT Security Consultant. Programmer. Analyst. Network Administrator. 30 years working with computers.