Lukas Tsimopoulos Explains How His Career Took Off Before Entering his 20s

Nicolas Bueno
3 min readAug 27, 2020


Raised in Australia, Lukas Tsimopoulos has never been the average kid in the room, or bound to a certain part of the world. At the age of 14, he found freedom through technology and business, stepping gradually away from his family business of restaurants and delving into the magic of location-neutral income through the reselling and drop-shipping models.

He gradually developed a trade that brings manufacturers closer to consumers, making him, as a technology-savvy expert and middleman, eligible for his first $1 million milestone at only 20 years old. As he explains, this business requires zero investment and physical interaction with the products themselves. It’s all virtual, except for the fact that the products actually reach the customer.

Lukas didn’t want to ‘tell all’ from the beginning, but as he was thinking it over, he found real value in becoming vocal about the power of motivation and the real perks of early success. Across social media and communicating directly with his Instagram following of over 70,000, he now poses as a young man to watch. He responds to messages every day.

He is lately focusing on beauty and health products, having discovered their potential through extended testing and research. It was crucial to find a niche and stick to it, then to perfect his approach in making a greater profit out of a smaller volume of transactions. It’s a selection process regarding manufacturers and the market overall.

Fortunately, e-commerce is an ideal setting for such scalable practices. All he had to do is allow small losses and victories to become educational for him. Ironically, triumph came stronger under less fortunate conditions for humanity: the outbreak of the pandemic, and the measures taken by the governments globally as protection.

People active in society had to condense their social reality within the walls of their residences, and this is when it occurred to them that online shopping is more necessary than ever before. Lukas, who was already in the game, identified the necessity and stepped up to supply households with health and beauty products that are considered to be basics.

With a phone and a laptop, he is now serving people and inspiring them to adapt. He would never embrace a nine-to-five schedule, and this is the moment where fewer and fewer people are allowed to do so. Working from home is becoming the ‘new normal,’ and he is at the heart of these developments.

He knows that once things get better with the virus, he might again be able to travel the world while also working from his laptop. The idea of a cosmopolitan businessman is very attractive, yet he warns people that they need to fight and be ready for challenges. A certain degree of integrity, self-confidence, and perseverance are a must.

It all starts with the bold decision to reprogram his brain, erasing unnecessary and confusing information he acquired from formal education. Lukas created a tailor-made experience for himself, narrowing things down to what helps his career take off.



Nicolas Bueno

Nicolas Bueno is the Content Manager at HighKey Agency.