How Much Money You Need To Quit Your Job: 7 Steps To Take The Leap

Nicolas Cole
Ascent Publication
Published in
15 min readFeb 5, 2020


The moment I graduated from college, I made it my mission to become a full-time writer.

I knew if I wanted to turn “what I loved” into a career, then I was going to have to be the one to figure that out for myself. For three years (and a brief stint studying journalism my freshman year of college), I studied fiction writing from professional writers and accomplished authors on the school’s faculty. And yet, none of them had very much insight as to “how” an aspiring writer actually becomes financially successful. They could explain how to engineer a riveting plot, how to describe a memorable scene, or how to create a relatable character. But they could not, step-by-step, explain how to go from barista-working-on-a-novel to full-time professional writer.

So, I went looking for the answers myself.

When I was 23 years old, I was nothing but an entry-level copywriter at an ad agency with a college-level writing portfolio.

And by the time I had turned 26, I had written over 1,000 articles on the internet, had work published in Forbes, TIME, Fortune, Business Insider, CNBC, and more, and I had become one of Inc Magazine’s top 10 most popular columnists. Month over month, I was…



Nicolas Cole
Ascent Publication

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