The Eternal Cycle of Dissatisfaction

The Eternal Cycle of Dissatisfaction: Understanding and Overcoming the Human Condition

Nicolas Raherinjatovo
2 min readJul 11, 2023

The human experience is often characterized by a constant pursuit of satisfaction, a seemingly endless cycle of desire and discontent. We strive for better jobs, relationships, possessions, and experiences, only to find that once we’ve achieved our goals, they often lose their luster. This phenomenon is not uncommon; it’s a part of our human nature. But why does this happen, and how can we break free from this cycle of eternal dissatisfaction?

The Hedonic Treadmill and Material Possessions

The concept of the “hedonic treadmill” is a psychological theory that suggests humans have a tendency to return to a relatively stable level of happiness, despite major positive or negative events or life changes. For instance, you worked hard to get a motorbike, and initially, it brought you great joy. However, over time, the satisfaction faded, and you found yourself desiring a car. This is a classic example of the hedonic treadmill in action.

Relationships and the Pursuit of ‘Better’

The cycle of dissatisfaction is not limited to material possessions; it extends to our relationships as well. We often find ourselves seeking new friendships or romantic relationships when the initial excitement of a new connection fades. This constant pursuit of ‘better’ can lead to a cycle of dissatisfaction, as we are always looking for the next best thing.

Financial Success and the Illusion of Happiness

Many people believe that financial success will bring them happiness. However, as your experience shows, even when you earn more than you initially aimed for, it’s still not enough. This is because happiness and satisfaction are not solely dependent on financial success. They are complex states of being that involve a multitude of factors, including our relationships, health, and sense of purpose.

Breaking the Cycle of Eternal Dissatisfaction

Understanding the cycle of eternal dissatisfaction is the first step towards breaking free from it. It’s important to realize that happiness and satisfaction come from within and are not solely dependent on external factors. Cultivating gratitude, practicing mindfulness, and finding purpose in life can help us feel more satisfied and content.

Remember, it’s perfectly normal to strive for improvement and growth. However, it’s also important to appreciate what we have in the present moment. By balancing our desires for the future with appreciation for the present, we can lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives.



Nicolas Raherinjatovo

Curious, creative and always learning. Follow my journey as I explore new ideas and share my thoughts. Connect with me on Twitter: