Cover the Earth

Nicolas Song
2 min readAug 28, 2021


Some may know that I have been working for a paint company for this past year. It has easily been the best job I have ever had in my life. After working so many restaurant and food service jobs with long and late hours. A retail job that closes by 7pm was a God send. Before I got the job I was not in the best of places. I had been very stuck because of the pandemic and honestly could not stand being home anymore. It would have been smarter for me to cash in unemployment checks, but day by day I was getting more and more depressed. I needed to get out and do something. Somehow someway I got this job.

Now after all this praise about the job you might be thinking I love paint and have a passion for paint or something, but I could careless about paint. It is not because the job itself is amazing. It is still a job. I still have to deal with so much nonsense a lot of times. But the understanding that God gave me this job and has been taken care of me through this job shows. Not only is the job been taking care of me financially, but hasn’t been so overbearing that I do not have a life outside of work. I can go home and enjoy dinner with my family. I can finish work and then have time to serve at my church and help out with Simplicity. My work life balance felt normal for the first time in my life and my spiritual life was flourishing in it.

The actual design is an homage to the company logo. There are a lot of different layers to the meanings I took away from the design. The paint covering the world just as Jesus’s blood covers the earth and sin. The heart as the source of where blood comes from, but also that love is what made Jesus die on the cross for us. The idea of going out to all nations to spread the gospel and wanting to be that paint can. It is surprising how every time I look to this image I can get something new out of it.

This is personally my favorite design.

