Exploring the Fascinating Similarities Between Greek Mythology and Astrology

Nicole Caudle
4 min readJan 14, 2023


Greek mythology and astrology have always been an intriguing combination of stories and science. Both these subjects have been studied since ancient times, each with its own set of beliefs, symbols and characters. Despite the passage of time, both these disciplines still remain fascinating to explore due to their similarities.

In this blog post, we will be exploring the fascinating similarities between Greek mythology and astrology. We will discuss how the two subjects intertwine, what symbols they share in common and which gods are associated with them. We will also look at how modern astrologers use Greek mythology as a reference for their interpretations of celestial events. By the end of this blog post you will have a better understanding of why Greek mythology and astrology are so intertwined.

Unveiling the Mysterious Links Between Ancient Myths and Astrology

Many of the classical myths made use of astrology, and the astrological symbolism is still present in Western culture. The traditional belief that mythology could not have developed without the awareness of astronomy and the celestial spheres is supported by significant evidence. The earliest civilizations that produced written texts clearly depict their knowledge of astronomy, in particular their understanding of solstices and equinoxes. In addition to observations from Earth, they were able to identify periods when certain stars or constellations were visible by observing them at sunrise or sunset. This type of astronomical event was integrated into many ancient mythologies as a means of explaining the connection between Earth and the heavens.

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious links between ancient myths and astrology? The two have been intertwined for centuries, with stories from Greek mythology being used to explain the zodiac signs. In this article, we will explore the fascinating relationship between astro-mythology and astrology. We will look at how Greek myths were used to explain the zodiac signs, as well as how astrologers use these stories to make predictions today. Finally, we will discuss some of the theories behind why this connection exists in the first place. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of why these two disciplines are so closely linked and how they can be used together to gain insight into our lives.

How to Interpret the Greek Mythology in Modern Day Astrological Symbols

Greek mythology is an integral part of astrology and has been used for centuries to understand the various symbols and meanings associated with astrological signs. It can be used to interpret a person’s birth chart, as well as the meaning of zodiac symbols. By understanding the stories behind each sign, one can gain insight into their own life path and destiny. This article will explore how to interpret Greek mythology in modern day astrological symbols, including how to read a natal chart and what each sun sign means.

Examining the Major Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology and Their Role in Each Zodiac Sign

Greek mythology is filled with a wide variety of gods and goddesses, each with their own personalities, stories, and powers. In astrology, these gods and goddesses are associated with the twelve zodiac signs. Each sign has its own unique set of characteristics that reflect the qualities of its associated god or goddess. By examining the major gods and goddesses of Greek mythology and their role in each zodiac sign, we can gain a better understanding of how the gods influence our lives today. .Aries: Zeus (god of sky, lightning, law enforcement) Zeus is the god of law and order in Greek mythology. He is associated with the zodiac sign of Aries because he has a strong sense of justice. People born under the influence of this sign are typically ruled by their emotions and have a quick temper. They may also be very impulsive and impatient which can be problematic for them. For those who have Aries rising as their sun sign, they need to learn how to control their impulses before they do something rash that will set them back in life.

The Impact of Greek Myths on Popular Astrological Theories & Concepts

Ancient Greek mythology and astrology have been intertwined for thousands of years. Astrologers have used the stories, characters, and symbols of Greek myths to explain the movements and behavior of celestial bodies. In turn, these ancient myths have shaped the way we interpret astrological concepts today.

The 12 house wheel is one example of an astrological concept that was heavily influenced by ancient mythology. Each house in the wheel corresponds to a different Greek god or goddess, with their associated symbols and stories providing insight into how each zodiac sign behaves. By understanding these connections between ancient mythology and modern astrology, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own lives and how they are affected by celestial events.

Exploring the Ancient Myths to Unlock New

Ancient myths have the power to unlock new and exciting insights about our past. By exploring the stories of these myths, we can gain a better understanding of our history and culture. Through this exploration, we can also uncover new ideas and possibilities that can help us in the present and future. Ancient myths are an invaluable source of knowledge that can be used to inform our decisions, shape our views, and inspire us to create something new. As we explore these ancient stories, we open up a world of possibilities that could lead to a brighter future for all.

