How Greek mythology can help you understand your zodiac sign

Nicole Caudle
6 min readJan 17, 2023



The study of astro-mythology is the examination of the mythological and religious symbolism associated with the stars and planets. This area of research can provide insights into the origins of various religious beliefs and practices. By exploring the meanings that have been attributed to specific stars and planets, we can gain a better understanding of the ways in which these celestial bodies have been interpreted by different cultures.

In addition, astro-mythology can provide us with a deeper understanding of the nature of the gods and goddesses who have been worshipped throughout history.

Olympian Gods and their Astrology Meanings

In Greek mythology, the Olympian gods were the deities who resided on Mount Olympus. These gods represented various aspects of human life and nature, and each had their own unique astrological meaning.

For example, Zeus was the god of the sky and thunder, and his astrological meaning was associated with the planet Jupiter. Similarly, Poseidon was the god of the sea, and his astrological meaning was associated with the planet Neptune.

The Olympian gods represented some of the most important aspects of human life, and their astrological meanings still hold significant meaning today. By understanding the astrological meanings of these gods, we can better understand the astrological influences in our lives.

Greek Gods and their Astrology Meanings

The three Greek gods most commonly associated with astrology are Hades, Zeus, and Apollo. Each of these gods has a unique meaning and association with astrology that can be helpful for understanding readings.

Hades is the god of the underworld, and is often associated with death and rebirth. His astrological meaning is often linked to transformation and change. He can help you understand what is happening in your life and what changes may be coming.

Zeus is the king of the gods and is associated with authority and power. His astrological meaning is often linked to luck and chance. He can help you understand when things are going your way and when you may be due for a stroke of luck.

Apollo is the god of the sun and is associated with healing and prophecy. His astrological meaning is often linked to enlightenment and understanding. He can help you understand the bigger picture in your life and see the path ahead.

Introducing the 12 zodiac gods and their associated Greek astrology meanings

Each god is associated with a sign of the zodiac, and has a corresponding meaning.

Most people are familiar with the 12 zodiac signs, but might not know their meanings. In Greek astrology, each sign is linked with a god or goddess. Here is a brief introduction to the 12 zodiac gods and their meanings.

Aries is the god of war and is associated with the planet Mars. People who are under the sign of Aries are typically energetic, courageous, and assertive.

Taurus is the goddess of fertility and is associated with the planet Venus. People who are under the sign of Taurus are typically reliable, stubborn, and sensual.

Gemini is the god of communication and is associated with the planet Mercury. People who are under the sign of Gemini are typically versatile, curious, and chatty.

Cancer is the goddess of the moon and is associated with the planet Moon. People who are under the sign of Cancer are typically nurturing, emotional, and intuitive.

Leo is the god of the sun and is associated with the planet Sun. People who are under the sign of Leo are typically generous, creative, and confident.

Virgo is the goddess of the harvest and is associated with the planet Mercury. People who are under the sign of Virgo are typically analytical, critical, and helpful.

Libra is the god of justice and is associated with the planet Venus. People who are under the sign of Libra are typically diplomatic, fair, and social.

Scorpio is the god of sex and is associated with the planet Mars. People who are under the sign of Scorpio are typically intense, passionate, and secretive.

Sagittarius is the god of wisdom and is associated with the planet Jupiter. People who are under the sign of Sagittarius are typically open-minded, honest, and philosophical.

Capricorn is the god of the sea and is associated with the planet Saturn.

How the Olympian gods can help you further understand the astrological meanings of your sign

The Olympian gods are a pantheon of twelve gods and goddesses who ruled over ancient Greece. They are often used in astrology to help explain the meanings of the signs.

For example, Zeus is the ruler of the sky and air, and can be used to interpret the qualities of the sign Aquarius. Apollo is the god of the sun, and can be used to explain the qualities of the sign Leo. And so on.

If you want to learn more about the Olympian gods and their corresponding astrological meanings, there are plenty of resources online and in libraries. By understanding the gods and goddesses who rule your sign, you can gain a deeper understanding of the unique qualities that make you who you are.

A look at the astro-mythology of each sign

There are many astro-mythologies associated with each sign of the zodiac. While they may not be 100% accurate, they can give you an idea of some of the traits associated with each sign.

For example, Aries is often associated with the myth of Mars, the god of war. He is often depicted as a fierce warrior, and is known for his determination and bravery.

Taurus is associated with the myth of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. She is often depicted as a kind and nurturing figure, and is known for her generosity and love of nature.

Gemini is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, the twin brothers. Castor is known for his intelligence and quick wit, while Pollux is known for his strength and courage.

Cancer is associated with the myth of Hera, the queen of the gods. She is often depicted as a protective figure, and is known for her fierce loyalty to her family and loved ones.

Leo is associated with the myth of the lion, one of the most powerful animals in the world. The lion is often seen as a symbol of strength and power, and is associated with the qualities of courage and nobility.

Virgo is associated with the myth of Mercury, the god of commerce and trade. He is often depicted as a shrewd and cunning figure, and is known for his ability to get what he wants.

Libra is associated with the myth of Venus, the goddess of love. She is often depicted as a beautiful and seductive figure, and is known for her ability to bring happiness and joy to those around her.

Scorpio is associated with the myth of Hades, the god of the underworld. He is often depicted as a dark and mysterious figure, and is known for his power and strength.

Sagittarius is associated with the myth of Zeus, the king of the gods

The zodiac gods are a fascinating part of Greek astrology, and their meanings are still studied and used today. If you’re interested in understanding more about your zodiac sign and its meaning, then studying the zodiac gods is a great place to start.

How astrology can help you understand your personality and motivations based on your sign

People have been interested in astrology for centuries, and for good reason — astrology can help you understand your personality and motivations based on your sign. Each sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and by understanding these, you can start to better understand yourself.

For example, if you’re a Leo, you may be attracted to creative and leadership-oriented careers. You may be confident and have a strong sense of self-worth, but you can also be prone to arrogance and aggressive outbursts. Knowing these traits can help you work towards your strengths and manage your weaknesses.

If you’re not sure what your sign is, you can find out by looking at an astrology chart. This is a diagram that shows the position of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth. There are many online tools that can generate a chart for you, or you can get a reading from a professional astrologer.

Interested in Greek mythology? Check out Song of Achilles and Circe.

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