I Finally Got Paid!

Ncolle B
2 min readJul 20, 2024


A note from someone who’s been there and truly cares…

In the unpredictable world of freelancing, getting paid can often feel like the ultimate challenge. As a recent college graduate eager to carve out a career path, I plunged headfirst into the freelance arena, excited by the prospect of independence and creativity. Little did I realize the hurdles awaiting me.

Initially, everything seemed promising. I secured a freelance role as a content creator and editor, thrilled by the opportunity to showcase my skills. Yet, as weeks passed, reality set in. Rejections mounted, challenges multiplied, and doubts crept in. It became clear: getting paid wasn’t just about delivering quality work; it was about mastering the process.

Here’s what I learned along the way:

1. Clarity from the Start: Discussing payment terms upfront is not negotiable. In my eagerness to please, I often skipped this crucial conversation, assuming my efforts would speak for themselves. It took a client’s blunt question — “Your clients don’t feel shy when they ask for your services; why hesitate to tell them how much your services are worth? If the client isn’t worthy, they’ll leave, and you will be better for it.” — to jolt me into action. I realized the importance of asserting my value from the outset, ensuring that both parties were clear on expectations.

2. Recognizing a Red Flag: Ignoring warning signs can be costly. Freelancers often downplay the significance of client relationships, focusing solely on the work at hand. Yet, understanding the client’s history and satisfaction levels is vital. Not every opportunity is worth pursuing if it jeopardizes your standards or undermines your professionalism.

3. Formalizing Agreements: Verbal agreements are precarious. In my early freelancing days, I relied on trust and verbal assurances, only to face disappointment when expectations diverged. A written contract isn’t just about securing payment; it outlines timelines, deliverables, and responsibilities. It acts as a safeguard, ensuring clarity and accountability on both sides.

These processes weren’t just about getting paid; they were about cultivating professionalism and confidence in my work. By implementing these lessons, I transformed from a hesitant freelancer into a proactive professional. Clients began to respect my expertise, and I gained the clarity and assurance needed to navigate the freelancing landscape effectively.

In essence, freelancing isn’t just about talent or creativity — it’s about mastering the art of process. By prioritizing clarity, recognizing red flags, and formalizing agreements, I not only secured payment but also established a foundation for sustainable success in the freelancing world. As the quote goes, “Your clients don’t feel shy when they ask for your services; why hesitate to tell them how much your services are worth? If the client isn’t worthy, they’ll leave, and you will be better for it.”



Ncolle B

April is a storyteller at its best! Whether it's through her raw voice captured as voice overs, or her speculative mind written as short edits or scripts.