You, Just Better Book Brief

Book Summary — Decisive: How to Make Better Decisions in Life and Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Agonizing over a decision, here’s a way out.

Nicole Dial
17 min readAug 10, 2022


Sometimes you just need a little guidance before making that BIG decision. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Adding time to a decision won’t make you more confident.

— Mark Cardone

About the Authors

  • Chip Heath is a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching courses on business strategy and organizations.
  • Dan Heath is the co-author, along with his brother Chip, of four New York Times bestsellers: Decisive, Switch, Made to Stick, and The Power of Moments.

1. These Four Traits Make You a Horrible Decision Maker

The Heath brothers hail them the “villains of decision making.”

  1. Narrow framing: you give yourself too few options to consider when deciding. It’s either all or nothing, black or white.
  2. Confirmation bias: You are already, perhaps even secretly, committed to a decision; now, you look for evidence and opinions to bolster your seemingly thoughtful but already made-up mind.
  3. Short-term emotions: Getting caught up in emotions that clog your thinking or…



Nicole Dial

I write about efficiency, organization, strategy, and thought processes.