JavaScript Arrays and Objects cheatsheet

Nicole Schmidlin
2 min readNov 15, 2021


for people like me who cannot remember the basics



  • Create an array name myArray: let myArray = [‘one’, 2, true]
  • Access array and store in variable: let firstValue = myArray[0]. firstValue has now the value ‘one’
  • Create a nested array (arrays within an array): let myNestedArray = [[“first array”, 1], [“second array”, 2]]
  • Access nested arrays: let secondFirst= myNestedArray[1][0]. secondFirst has now the value 2.
  • Modify specific array index: myArray[0] = 1;

Manipulate Arrays

.push() to the end
.unshift()to the beginning

.pop()the end
.splice(startIndex, how many elements, other values to insert) middle → modifies original array

.slice(startIndex, stopIndex) up to, not including
let newArr = [… oldArr] (spread operator) → copies entire array, can insert array into another array:

let oldArr = ['hello', 'world'];
let newArr = [1, 2, ...oldArr, 3];
→[ 1, 2, 'hello', 'world', 3 ]

.indexOf(‘name’) returns index or -1 if not found



  • Objects are key-value pairs.
  • Create an object :
let person = {
name: “Nicole”,
age: 19
  • Access object value with key:
  • Change object value: person.age = 20;
  • Add new key-value pair: person.birthYear = 2002;
  • Multiple levels:
let person = {
name: “Nicole”,
age: 19,
"favourite colours": {
first: "blue",
second: "pink",
third: "green"

Dot notation
myObject.key = ‘value’;
Multiple levels works the same
myObject.key.key = ‘value’;

Bracket notation
myObject[‘name of key with space’] = ‘light blue’;
Name of key always in quotes
Must be used when key has a space (e.g. ‘favourite colours’)

Method property of an object
An object can also have a method stored inside of it:

let person = {
name: “Nicole”,
age: 19,
introduceSelf: function() { return “Hello, my name is ” +; }

→ Hello, my name is Nicole

Remove key
delete object.keyToDelete;
with example object from above: delete person.age;

Check if object has certain property
object.hasOwnProperty(‘property name’);

with example object from above: person.hasOwnProperty(‘name’); → true

‘Property name’ in object;
with example object from above: ‘name’ in person; → true

for…in — iterate through object by key

for(let xyz in object){
// do something with each key

with (as expected) example from above:

for(let x in person){
→ Nicole

Array of all keys
let array = Object.keys(myObject);
with example from above: let array =Object.keys(person);



Nicole Schmidlin

Exactly like all the other girls except that I have a nerd blog instead of a food blog. Mainly Ruby on Rails (she/her)