Why Mixed Martial Artists and Jiu-Jitsu Enthusiasts are Buying Up CBD Oil

Nicole Inal
5 min readAug 30, 2018


MMA (mixed martial arts) is a pretty brutal sport; fighters are out there to beat each other in a ring surrounded by a metal cage (dubbed the octagon). Naturally, pain and inflammation management is going to be a big deal. Overall flexibility and stamina are also important for MMA/Jiu-Jitsu fighters — both of which can be boosted via the use of CBD.

In recent years, we have seen CBD rise to the top of the MMA/Jiu-Jitsu supplement market, distinguishing itself as a “cream of the crop” supplement for MMA fighters around the world. This is especially true now that CBD is legal in competitive sports.

So, I figured it would be a good time to look into the research and see why the rising popularity of CBD is having such a massive impact on the mixed martial arts world.

The Endocannabinoid System (A Very Brief Overview)

Probably the most critical aspect of CBD as it pertains to MMA is its ability to combat pain. Which isn’t really surprising given that MMA is a sport about physically dominating each-other.

How is it that CBD is so good at combating pain, in fact, how is it that CBD has any effect on pain at all?

The answer to this is a little complicated. I are going to try to strip the overly scientific mumbo-jumbo out of this answer as best I can. Warning: There is still going to be a lot of science in this answer.

Here is how CBD and pain-management are related:

To really understand how CBD affects our pain and anti-inflammatory receptors, we have to understand what the endocannabinoid system is and its role in our bodies.

The endocannabinoid system is a complex system of receptors in the human body responsible for regulating a massive variety of physiological processes. Receptors for the endocannabinoid system are found all throughout our body including our organ tissues, brain, glands, immune cells, and our connective tissues.

The endocannabinoid system is responsible for everything from keeping our cells alive to regulating our temperatures — it’s a big deal.

Now that we have a very brief introduction to the endocannabinoid system, I can go into some depth about how CBD affects it when it comes to pain management.

It’s important to note that CBD has a profound role in the endocannabinoid system — one that we are just starting to really understand. Here is an excellent post about some of the crazy ways that CBD affects our endocannabinoid system and in return our whole bodies.

Pain Management

CBD can help with all sorts of physiological processes (we are quite literally learning about new ones daily,) but when it comes to MMA (the sport of gladiators), pain management is probably its most important function.

It goes without saying — getting hit in the face hurts. CBD can help relieve the pain of taking punches, twisting joints and muscles, and the overall physical abuse that comes with sports like MMA.

Here are some studies showing CBDs effects on pain.

  • People with arthritis showed significantly lower levels of pain and inflammation when treated with CBD.
  • Researchers found that CBD not only significantly lowered pain levels in humans, but humans don’t build up a tolerance to its effects. This means that increased dosages are not needed.
  • In a 2014 study, scientists concluded that CBD was effective for managing neuropathic pain receptors.
  • In a 2011 study, scientists found that CBD as an effective treatment for pain management.
  • A 2012 study found that cannabinoids (specifically CBD) suppressed inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

There are hundreds of similar studies, and they all have the same conclusion. CBD is effective at fighting pain symptoms.

There is a multitude of reasons that this is the case. Whether it’s because CBD suppresses α3 glycine receptors or because it produces anti-inflammatory responses in our body, the simple fact is that CBD works. It’s also non-addictive.


CBDs effect of flexibility is similar to its pain management effects. Not only is CBD great at fighting post-workout pain, but its anti-inflammatory properties also make it great at loosening up your muscles.

For those that practice yoga before a fight, you will find CBDs benefits are profound. CBD increases serotonin and its anti-inflammatory properties can help you achieve some incredible yoga poses. Here is a great example of some of the ways that CBD can significantly improve your yoga routine.

Further research has shown that CBD taken daily can actually lower blood pressure, which means more of that blood is flowing into your muscles.


CBDs effect on stamina is certainly profound; it’s far too complex to sum up in this post alone. BotaHemp has a great post on how CBD and stamina go hand-in-hand. It has a massive amount of research on it and goes into some of the physiological complexities that CBD has.

I’ll give you some basics.

  • CBD helps manage cortisol levels (it even acts as a blocker) which regulates stress and muscle gain.
  • CBD helps regulate your blood sugar levels.
  • CBD activates your 5-HT1A receptors, helping fight pain and stamina loss.

It gets way more complicated and “science(y)” than that, but I’ll leave you to your independent research. You can buy CBD oil almost anywhere online (and it is legal in all 50 states), but I’d advise you follow a few tips to make sure you’re getting the best quality product.


I thought I would end this post with some testimonials from those that have been using CBD within the martial arts community.

“It helps (me) with the healing process and inflammation, stuff like that,” — Nate Diaz

Diaz said this while he was vaping CBD during a post-match conference.

“The use of CBD for brain injuries, that’s been incredible for my recovery” — Joseph Valtellini

Joesph Valtellini talks about his use of CBD during his recovery.

“CBD oil helps me and a lot of people with inflammation and others with chronic arthritis” — Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan talks about CBD on his podcast and his personal use.



Nicole Inal

Thinker and doer with a background in PR and enjoying life to the fullest. I believe we can always improve self and those arounds us if we exchange a few ideas.