What is a Light bearer with a Soul Mission? How do I know if I am one?

Nicole Drummond
5 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Timothy Chan on Unsplash

So maybe you feel that there is something you’re meant to be doing — a purpose or role you are meant to fulfill, but you don’t know what or how… it all feels very strange and mysterious, yet this feeling keeps nagging at you! Well perhaps you are a Light bearer with a Soul Mission in this lifetime, which is calling you to action. But what on earth does that mean?!

Well here is a Channelled message from Archangel Nathaniel — Archangel of life purpose, manifestation and transformation on the subject . (He stepped forward to communicate on this subject as I began to ask questions).…

(As I begin to write this, I am shaking with the surge of power of his energetic presence!)

What is a light bearer?

‘Light bearers’ are souls who have come to earth to help the living. They come in peace, they come in harmony, they come to love and heal. They come with a purpose and a job to do on behalf of the heavenly realm. It’s often not an easy role, you have chosen — to be a bright light in a dim world, but this is the role.

What is the difference between a Light bearer and other souls?

Not everyone’s purpose in this lifetime is to raise the consciousness of others — of the collective. But if you are a Light bearer, this is what you have come to do and what you have come to support at this time. All souls have a purpose when they arrive on Earth — in terms of their personal learning, some great and some small. However a Light bearer’s purpose is not only to personally evolve, but to support the evolution of the collective — in one way or another.

Roles of a light bearer?

The role can transpire differently for different people. There are many roles one person can have and play in one lifetime. This is not fixed, although you have an agreement you have committed to (before arriving on earth), which needs to be uncovered and remembered for you to act on it. It is important that once you remember you activate your remembrance. ‘We’ (Angelic and Archangel presences) are here to help you do that.

Light bearers’ roles can vary widely, please do not be fixated on imagining they are specific like a job title, but we can give you some examples of the variety…

  • You may be a mother supporting a mental health group being unpaid to support to a collective to raise their mental vibration or help change attitudes
  • You may be a Spiritual teacher in this life supporting in your ‘congregations’ wellbeing, elevating them spiritually
  • You may be a tree surgeon, educating people on the importance of the conservation of nature.
  • You may be a dancer, inspiring others to uplift their spirits and rediscover their inspiration. The list goes on and on.

The roles are not fixed. It’s the attitudes you inspire and the shift in consciousness that you create through your actions. Not all the roles are paid or are jobs, as you may have multiple roles. Some roles have a higher profile publicly and others do not — this makes them no less important.

What is a Soul Mission?

Each light bearer’s mission is personally prescribed to them, although it may feed into a collective effort on an issue. You are here to inspire, to elevate, to resonate with others, to encourage them to grow and evolve. You are part of the collective tribe of fellow light bearers, some of which you will never meet others you will work with every day. Your soul missions will be different, but would’ve been decided in heaven before you came down to earth between you and your guide. It is a role you have chosen to play to support the collective.

How do I know I am a Light bearer?

You have a bright light burning inside you, like a torch. This carries information from one world to the next (from spirit form to earthly). The instructions within you guide you to your ‘divine plan’. You have a sense there is a much greater purpose for you to achieve in this lifetime that you are yet to manifest. You have a sense that there is a role for you in the world that you are yet to uncover, a greater role than you have now but you may not have a sense of it.

You have a yearning and a longing that is pulling at you, like a disturbance. You feel it’s time to make a change to move towards this pull, but there are only invisible steps. It feels like a leap into space, into the unknown. You have yet to uncover what it is you are meant to do. This is where your soul is speaking to you whispering to you in your sleep, with its longing and yearning. This is where you have to start to listen.

You are driven by the transformation of the collective. You will feel this deeply in your soul that you have come here to help and feel committed to this, even if you don’t know what that action or activity is yet. You are special, because you have taken on this mission to help others, not just yourself. You understand the importance of this special time on the planet, as these great shifts are taking place in your consciousness and you wish to support this effort.

Archangel closing message

Please let them know that we are present, that we care and that we are committed to supporting them and to helping them in their endeavors. If they can be open to this guidance and support, it will be of great help to them and us. Yours lovingly Archangel Nathaniel

If this resonates with you — you might be interested to read: ‘How it feels to start awakening to your Soul Mission’. You may also be interested in listening to ‘Connect with your guides’ free audio meditation to learn a simple technique to connect with the archangels and guides. With love Nicole x

Further reading:

Intuitive tools to help you on your soul mission journey

Six roadblocks to you discovering your calling as a highly sensitive person

One to One soul mission sessions and Soul Mission Group Programme

Nicole Drummond, Intuitive Healer for Highly Sensitive People and mentor to Souls with a Mission www.nicoledrummond.com



Nicole Drummond

Helping Highly Sensitive People break cycles of anxiety and start establishing healthy boundaries. I am an intuitive mentor for souls with a mission