Bayanihan: Great Unity and Wholesome Camaraderie

Nicole Angela Obias
5 min readJan 10, 2019


The Philippines is one of the worlds largest archipelago nations. It is comprise with different 3 major lands which is Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Those 3 different lands are also divided into several places. Each place has its own unique sets of beliefs and practices. But despite these differences filipinos still have similarities which are the values and culture that binds us together.

Our country is not only known for its beautiful scenery and rich vegetation, but also for the qualities we have as Filipinos. We have values that is truly "tatak pinoy." Such as hospitality, strong family ties and festive celebrations that truly brings out the vibrant culture.

Philippine traditions have influenced many people in all sorts of ways. Bayanihan is one of the traditions in the Philippines that shows a true sign of community spirit. It is where cooperative undertaking takes place with each individual effort. It is the art of working together. Bayanihan is a custom that is passed through generations. Camaraderie is shown when we talk about this. It is an act of kindness without expecting or asking anything in return. Each and everyone contribute and help one another to attain a common goal. This has always been a part of our Filipino culture.

Bayanihan is helping one’s fellow men or "kababayan" that is in need, this can be shown in different ways. One of the oldest form of showing bayanihan is the relocation of a house with the help of many people. It is when a "bahay kubo" is lifted and carried on the shoulder of each person that willingly volunteered to help. But why do we Filipinos back then even bothered of moving the nipa hut if we can just move from one house to another?

The answer to it is simply worth hearing, It is because for every Filipino a "bahay kubo" is a home. In each corner of every wooden walls, bamboo floors, and nipa hut hides a memorable story. In these kind of houses back then became the sanctuary of every Filipino family to mold their love for each other. The nipa hut was not only a house or shelter to stay in, but is a real home to live in. This is where the values and qualities of a Filipino is shaped and developed. That is why it’s difficult for Filipinos to leave their homes when it’s needed to move elsewhere. This is where the concept of bayanihan began.

Another form of bayanihan is what Filipinos usually do when a disaster happens. They always help people in need in their own way as much as possible, just like the picture shown below;

Philippines is located in the Pacific ring of fire, that is why it is prone to disasters. Floods, earthquakes, and other calamities have devastated our country many times before. But in every tragedy there is always a glimpse of hope. Regardless all the struggles, hardships, and challenges we Filipinos face. We always manage to rise up above it all.

Even an ordinary Filipino helps. A small amount of food for a hungry stomach, a shirt to wear for a shivering body and even a shelter to live in for a person in need. There are so many simple things we can do for our fellow filipinos. Even small things matters. Through these tragic situations “bayanihan spirit” ignites.

Bayanihan can be seen in all kinds of forms. But as time passed by this tradition slowly changed. Change is the only constant thing in the world. It’s not just the bahay kubo, kalesa, and other traces of the past that changed but also the way we lived and the values of us filipinos. One of the factors of change in our society is technology, that plays a major role to us people nowadays. This has been a source of information, entertainment, a convenient tool and have made a great impact to us. It affected us in many ways, it changed the way we lived and the way we conceive the things that is happening around us. It has influenced our culture in many ways. But instead of seeing technology as a disadvantage to our society, let’s look on the positive side and make the most out of it. Aside from all the negativity about social media and technology that changed our life let’s embrace our culture as it evolves, it also unfolds a new perspective in life. Making new things, understanding and accepting other beliefs will also be a part of our culture and later on our history. But let us not forget where we came from. Let us always remember the things that mold and shapes us into who we are now. Opening our eyes to endless possibilities, being open to those things we weren’t aware before opening closed doors. But let us always bear in mind that our culture is a great part of our lives and we should preserve and cherish it.

Our culture is changing, but it is immutable. Many things may change but the values, traditions, culture and beliefs of each and every Filipino will still remain the same. Time may pass, a lot may change, but the knowledge of this things won’t fade. Our country is progressing and some may forget or not know about this things but it’s better if we all share this to each other, we should love our beloved land and by loving that means loving the things and flaws of it.

We should preserve our culture while embracing the changes along the way. Our culture has been part of our history and is playing a substantial role in our lives. Our traditions, beliefs, practices, and qualities is what truly makes us Filipinos. We should work together simultaneously, take each step together facing each dilemma united as one. We should not only think of ourselves, "no man is an island" everyone should care and help one another.

The character of the people reflects the nation and so let’s show the world that the character of Filipinos is beyond describable just like the beauty of our land, the Philippines. Let’s learn, share and preserve the things this beloved nation taught us.

