Write When You Feel Like It

Nicole Cooper
3 min readApr 5, 2018

Screw the rules.

Sometimes you reach a point where you need to stop what you’re doing. It’s not because it’s stressing you out (though sometimes it can), but to give yourself a moment to let your mind wander. Reflect on the what you’ve done. Give yourself time to really address what’s on your mind. Preoccupy yourself with that hobby or interest you’ve been neglecting because you didn’t give yourself time to engage in that activity.

In the age of workaholics and always be on the go, sometimes we forget to give ourselves time to slow down and regroup.

I haven’t been writing as much lately. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say or the time to write. There are many things on my mind; it’s racing a mile a minute. I still continue jot down notes in my phone as soon as they pop in my head. I just haven’t felt the urge to write and press publish [yet].

There is a camp of writers who swear by writing daily or at least on a very regular and consistent basis in order to be successful at gaining a large following as well as becoming a better writer.

I agree that there is truth in those claims. Many of the people who swear by it have the results to prove it. Whether you’re a popular writer on Medium, an Instagrammer for a specific niche like travel, or a video maker for YouTube or Facebook. Consistency combined with quality can reap a lot of great results.

Maybe I’m a contrarian (actually, yes I am one in many cases). Maybe I just don’t care to follow the Ten Commandments of being a writer, or any person of influence on social media. Some rules I just struggle to follow, but that’s okay. It is what it is.

If you want to be a person of influence then yes, consistency helps, but there are always people who find a way to bet the exception. At the same time, don’t get caught too up in the stats and the amount of engagement you get on your posts. It’ll drive you bananas.

Write because you like it. Write because you want to share a story. Write when it feels natural to you. Write because you want to.

If people like what you have to say, they’ll stick around whether you post daily, weekly, monthly or annually. I still follow people on Medium who haven’t posted anything in months. When they have the desire to post again, I will clap the heck out of that post.

You’ll have articles that are received well, and you’ll have articles where the feedback section looks like a ghost town. It’s okay though. Fluctuations always happen. Continue to write when you get that urge to construct words together again.

Create when you’re inspired and regroup when needed. Don’t sweat the extra stuff. Write on your own terms.



Nicole Cooper

Self-reflections, sports, fitness, health, travel, living abroad and social commentary that may come with a splash of contrarianism. Twitter & IG @_nicolecoop