Work Affinity Notes (Part 2)

Nicole Maguire
1 min readMar 30, 2018


  1. Adjustable volume for app read-out.
  2. The app should remind the user to ask permission before recording anyone.
  3. Phone should not physically get in the way between two people while talking.
  4. The app should be able to look up a word or phrase from a conversation.
  5. Users should be promted for a social interaction when they are done with their academic purpose. (i.e. “log your study session to FB”)
  6. App should have a distraction free mode that disables notifications during use.
  7. App should not automatically save sound bytes for longer than a user session.
  8. App should remind user to save conversations they want to keep before closing the app.
  9. App should be able to replay a sound byte at a slower speed.
  10. Option to stop sound play-back when app hears someone speaking.
  11. Differential between different speakers.
  12. App can still have non-essential features that might impede with social interaction.
  13. App should have an option to alert a person when someone is speaking to them.

