Friends in Different Phases

My single friend doesn’t understand my married friend who doesn’t understand my pregnant friend

Nicole Pajer
7 min readApr 12, 2018
Photo by David on Unsplash

It had been a while since I had seen my friend Caroline, and I was looking forward to catching up. After months of our busy schedules constantly one-upping each other’s, we finally made plans. We met at a local coffee shop where I had been stationed for the day, working. Caroline walked in right on time, gave me a hug, and sat down across from me. It was a few months after my wedding, and I had been craving some quality girlfriend time.

“So. How’ve you been?” she asked.

“Great!” I said. I rambled off what I had been up to: working, repairs around the house, donating my old kitchenware and replacing it with items from my registry, trips to visit the in-laws…

I lost her at in-laws. She looked out the window, distracted as the cars passed by, and I quickly realized that my married to-do list hadn’t exactly been the thing that Caroline, my fabulously single pal, had been looking to hear about.

I changed the subject. “So. Are you dating anyone?”

Caroline came alive. I heard about the latest adventures of the ex who stayed within arm’s reach, a date with a mysterious man she was pretty sure built missiles of some sort…



Nicole Pajer

Freelance writer: New York Times, Billboard, Parade, Woman’s Day, Men’s Journal, Yahoo, Grammys. Animal lover. Music junkie. Travel Addict. Tweet: @NicolePajer