2 min readJul 22, 2019

Identity politics: Bigotry masked as tolerance

The progressive left are all about linking everything to race, or sexuality. They embrace something called “Identity politics”. Which bases your worth, not on your accomplishments, or you as a person, but on the color of your skin, your gender expression, or who you sleep with. Which essentially strips the individual of their individuality, and just makes them another body.

This is how they see you and me, not as people, but as skin, sex organs, sexual attraction. Which is about as dehumanizing as outright racism. We are more than the sum or our parts, more than the things with which we have no control over. We have our own hearts, minds, voices. Not just sentient bags of meat, but human beings, with souls.

Yet, too many who call themselves “woke” don’t see it that way. These are also the types of people who denounce you if you aren’t the right type of “brown voice”. Oh, and if you happen to be gay and conservative, they hate that too. The fact that gay conservatives like Christopher Barron fought like hell for tolerance within the GOP, would be lost on them. They would not see him for the intelligent, handsome, fighting man that he is. No, to them, he is just another “queer” and the wrong type of “queer” at that.

Just like how they don’t see black conservatives as anything other than the wrong “brown voice”. Black women such as Stacey Dash were treated horribly when they came out as conservatives, and still are. Once again, humanity is ignored, and only their skin color is seen. This is not progress, not in the slightest. In fact, this is the same kind of hateful bigotry that we have seen time and time again. Just with a brand new bow.

There is nothing at all progressive, or right, about stripping away the humanity of another human being, and seeing them as nothing more than black, or gay, or trans. We are all more than that. More than those arbitrary characteristics that make up who we are. Nobody chose them, so why, should we be judged for them?