In 2015, I walked approximately the distance of the radius of Mars.

Nicole Aptekar
4 min readJan 2, 2016


I walked 3406.9km. This seems about average for me. I walk a lot. I ran 365.2km, which seems practically impossible. Before this year, I don’t think I’d ran a mile in fifteen years, and even then, I barely did it. Turns out I like running now! Hopefully I don’t injure myself.

I biked 47.6km, which isn’t very much at all. I rarely touched my own bike, opting to use SF’s tiny and impractical bikeshare instead. I expect that number to go up once they start adding more stations next (hopefully) year! I also started to learn how to skateboard, but I’ve only put in 10.8km so far. Working my way up from a longboard to a boosted someday!

I kayaked a couple times, 8.4km worth. It’s absolutely fun and I should do it more often. Lastly, I rollerbladed a paltry 3.5km, the distance back and forth from my house to DNA Lounge for their Hackers anniversary party.

This data is available week by week if you’re curious.

Here’s where I went this year

Planes are really straight lines with my phone’s tracker!

I started the year heading to Asia with Serene. First stop in Taiwan for a day.

It was beautiful, and we were tired.

Then we showed up in Bangkok. You probably can’t guess where we lived from this map.

We traveled around the region a little bit, to a bunch of lovely islands and Angkor Wat. I learned how to dive, and it is so much better than an aquarium. You should learn how to dive in Southeast Asia.

The train up to Chiang Mai is great. The various buses from airports to ferries for island time less-so.
This is Siem Reap. Angkor Wat is really beautiful, and the landmine museum is crushingly sad.

Next up we headed to the Philippines to spend some more time diving and celebrating my friend Jake’s birthday. Sadly, I ended up hurting myself pretty badly with a scooter and didn’t get to go diving. I had one fleeting lovely evening in the water beforehand though!

this was really either all waiting for planes/transit, or being stuck in bed in a room with broken plumbing. cry.

We left a few days early for a magical Hong Kong adventure with some good friends. Hong Kong has lovely bandages and medical care, among other things.

From Hong Kong, Serene and I flew into Japan, just on our own. This map is a bit confusing, as I went back again later in the year. Serene and I flew in to Osaka, had an almost comically beautiful time in Kyoto and Kanazawa during sakura season, and then bummed around Tokyo a bit. Later in the fall, I flew back and stayed in Tokyo for a week, going back and forth between the FabCafe and Harajuku for the most part.

Kanazawa is way out of the way, but so worth it. We even got to ride a brand new shinkansen!
See that red? That’s my first running in years. I hung along during a Tokyo Journey planners night, and we test-ran the course. Thank you for including me, Rachel!

From Japan, Serene and I headed back to the US, where I mostly stayed aside from that trip to Tokyo in the fall.

This was the first year in many that I didn’t go to the east coast at all. I don’t feel great about it.

There’s still some adventure in here though. A silly decadent weekend in a Reno hotel room where I was cooking eggs, hash browns, and okonomiyaki for a half dozen people in a hot tub; A diving trip through the kelp forest in Monterey; a couple LA road trips and a sweltering day near palm springs.

I ran along the santa monica beach! And Echo Park!

And then of course, my home, San Francisco. Those bright red lines are my standard running routes. If you’re up early and on the embarcadero, you’ll probably see me. I now run 5 times a week in preparation for a half marathon this February.

It’s interesting, that with all this data, you still miss out on so much.

This is the year I started learning how to play music. I’ve got two early videos of me sucking at Ukulele up on youtube, and hopefully I’ll post how much better I’ve gotten soon. I started cooking in earnest again, and I hope to dramatically tone down the amount of eating out I do in SF this year.

I’m psyched to see where 2016 takes me.



Nicole Aptekar

Establishment of a gravitational pull to shift from a “transactional” experience to an “invitational” expression.