Weird Traditional Family Values Still Exist

Foster connection

Nicole Akers


Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

A conversation at breakfast reminds me of how weird our family is. We were sitting at the table with the kids, having a conversation about Science. The topic for discussion was whether we are on the Earth or in the Earth. If you’re having a hard time grasping the concept, it might help to think on a Third Grade level.

My husband suggested that our daughter bring up the conversation with her teacher at school. She scrunched up her face and asked: “Really?”

“Oh yeah, teachers love to talk about these kinds of things. Just tell her that we were talking about the Earth at breakfast, and you want to know what she thinks,” he said.

The teacher might scratch her head in surprise that we eat together. It got us thinking that many families don’t come to the table to dine and talk like they used to. In fact, 40% of American families eat together three or fewer times a week, according to ConagraBrands.

Spending time together has always been a core value for our family. We try to have breakfast and dinner together. With different school schedules for different kids, having breakfast together isn’t always possible. Even if we go separate ways for the other meals, we come to the table for dinner. It’s where we talk and connect. We share about our day…



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.