Why I charge you $200 an hour as a freelance UX writer

This is what I consider when setting freelance rates for content design work.

Nicole Alexandra Michaelis
5 min readMar 27, 2022

I often get asked how much I charge per hour when working as a freelance UX writer or content designer. The truth is, my rates vary based on a lot of things.

These include:

  • where the client is located,
  • how big their business is,
  • if it’s long- or short-term work,
  • the clarity of the brief,
  • and how much I want to do the project.

But because I like $$$ as much as the next person and believe in compensation transparency, I figured I’d share my process behind setting rates with all of you.

Here are the questions I ask myself to decide what I’ll be charging.

What’s the vibe?

Honestly, the more time you spend working with various clients and companies, the quicker you’ll develop a feeling for — what I like to call — the vibes. Any first contact you have with a potential client will give you an idea of how it is to work with them. Are they respectful of your time or expect you to jump on several calls to discuss a project before a contract is signed? Are they used to…

