Apple iOS 17: New Features for Mental and Vision Health

Nicolet Junior
4 min readAug 30, 2023

With our frequent exposure to screens, there is rising anxiety about the influence technology has on our well-being. Apple realizes this, and with the introduction of iOS 17, they have focused on offering features that encourage user well-being.

Let’s look at the new iOS 17 features mainly intended to treat mental and visual health difficulties.

Mental Health Features

Mindful Usage Tools

The addition of “Focus” mode is one of the most prominent features of iOS 17. This feature enables users to tailor their alerts, decreasing distractions and allowing them to use their devices more focused and mindfully. Users may create a less invasive environment by regulating the flow of signals, which can assist in lessening the overpowering sensations that occur from continual interruptions.

Furthermore, iOS 17 adds the “Time Away” function, encouraging users to take frequent breaks from their displays. This function is particularly significant since excessive screen time has been linked to increased mental health problems. Apple hopes to lessen the harmful effect of extended screen time on general well-being by pushing users to take breaks.

App Integration for “Health”

In iOS 17, the “Health” app now has improved mental health monitoring capabilities. Within the app, users may track their emotions and stress levels and participate in other mindful exercises. This enhanced connection allows users to understand their mental health better and enables the app to deliver valuable insights and correlations between screen usage and overall well-being. Apple hopes to enable customers to take control of their mental health by including mental health monitoring in the “Health” app.

App “Messages” Upgrade

Apple has provided additional communication features to encourage emotional expressiveness inside the “Messages” app. The value of words and expressive messages cannot be overstated when sustaining emotional ties.

Users of iOS 17 now have access to a broader selection of expressive tools, allowing them to communicate their feelings more effectively. This improvement enhances the emotional element of communication and improves general mental well-being by establishing meaningful and authentic interactions.

Features of Vision Health

“Visual Care” App

The “Visual Care” app is new in iOS 17 and tries to address rising concerns about eyesight health. This software offers users valuable tools and information to help them maintain good eye health.

Users may better control their screen time and participate in activities that decrease eye strain with features such as screen time monitoring and eye exercise reminders. Apple is dedicated to overall user well-being by urging consumers to care for their eyesight.

“TrueTone” Display Improvements

The “TrueTone” function in iOS 17 has been improved, which helps to reduce eye strain. This adaptive colour temperature technology modifies the colour temperature of the display, dependent on the lighting conditions.

The collection becomes more pleasant to watch by adjusting the color temperature and minimizing eye strain. This advancement is especially essential for individuals who spend extended amounts of time gazing at screens, as it helps to reduce the negative impacts on visual health.

“Dark Mode” Enhancements

Another feature improved by Apple in iOS 17 is “Dark Mode.” This mode is intended to decrease glare and enhance sleep quality while using devices in low-light environments.

The advantages of “Dark Mode” go beyond its aesthetic attractiveness. It reduces eye strain and promotes healthier sleep patterns by limiting intense light emission. Furthermore, iOS 17 adds scheduling options for automatic activation of “Dark Mode,” enabling users to improve their viewing experience quickly.

Accessibility Features for All Users

“VoiceOver” and “AudioDescriptions” Enhancements

Accessibility is a crucial element in iOS 17, and Apple has improved the “VoiceOver” function, which aids visually impaired customers in navigating their smartphones. The enhanced “VoiceOver” experience is now more fluid and intuitive, allowing visually impaired customers to use their devices fully.

In addition to “VoiceOver,” iOS 17 has improved “AudioDescriptions” to provide users with a more inclusive experience. This feature gives audio explanations for crucial visual aspects, allowing visually impaired people to better comprehend and interact with material on their devices.

Customizable Interface Adjustments

When it comes to visual requirements, Apple recognizes the need for customization. Users may customize the UI in iOS 17 to meet their individual needs. Features such as “Bold Text,” “Button Shapes,” and “Reduce Transparency” enable users to customize the visual components of their devices for maximum visibility and usage.

These changes assist people with extraordinary vision problems and improve the general user experience for all users, regardless of visual ability.


iOS 17 introduces new features to improve mental and visual wellness. Apple has shown its commitment to creating a user-friendly and health-conscious experience by encouraging customers to play an active part in their own well-being.

As we continue to traverse the digital realm, it is critical to prioritize our mental and visual health, and iOS 17 is an excellent tool for accomplishing this aim. However, to get more insights, approach an iOS app development company that can further aid customers in discovering and profiting from these capabilities since they have the skills to advise consumers in maximizing their iOS experience.

Related Blog: Cloud Computing: Enabling Scalable and Reliable iOS Apps



Nicolet Junior

Experienced Sr. Software Engineer promoting cutting-edge mobile and web development tech for businesses and startups. 5+ years in IT.