Why Brianna ChickenFry is a Girls Girl

Nicole Upchurch
3 min readNov 25, 2023


I will not pretend to be a huge fan of Brianna Chicken-Fry. It wasn’t until she started dating one of my favorite artists, Zach Bryan, that I even knew her name. However, it didn’t take long for me to realize her electric and captivating presence was alluring, and she could always authentically be herself. Although, as a feminist, I do not spend my free time watching or listening to anything Barstool sports, I appreciate her authentic presence as a positive for the feminist community and college women everywhere.

She Stands Up for Women’s Rights

Brianna ChickeFry has used her platform to stand up for women’s rights and has been highly outspoken about her stand on abortion. In one of her tweets in June of 2022, she tweeted, “I can’t believe they think this is an actual rebuttal or argument as if anyone is pro-abortion as if ANYONE wants to go through an abortion. I wish you could unbrainwash these people. It’s so fucking sad.”

As most feminists do, I absolutely agree with her. Women are not going out of their way to use abortion as “Birth Control” and are having abortions “For the fuck of it”. If they are, it is CERTAINLY not the majority, and these are not despicable women but despicable humans. We can categorize them with the rapist, who you want to force an innocent woman to reap the repercussions of their atrocity.

She is dating Zach Bryan

Many people no longer think of Zach as the sweet, simple, and innocent man his music portrays him as. They see his failed marriage and break-up with his ex, Deb Piefer, and his immediate new relationship with Bri as an allegation to call him a player. I call Bull-Shit. Zach Bryan has outgrown his relationships and those phases of his life, and that’s okay. He was once a growing artist in the Navy, then a successful musician, and now is a Billboard Music Award winner for 2023. Those life phases are different; sometimes, we must let people go.What I know for a fact is that Zach wrote a song called “Cold Damn Vampires.” In Cold Damn Vampires, one of his verses reads,

“You moved to the city, girl, to make something of yourself

But the vampires are groping you every night on East and 12th

So, every night, you carry a knife and some spray.

To keep them bloodsuckers at least a four-inch blade away

A four-inch blade away.”

I appreciate he acknowledges this struggle for women while acknowledging the struggles within the world. Although he claims this song was written over an overpriced Verizon bill, we know these words come from a heart full of empathy, love, and hope.

She is Authentically Herself

Although Brianna is receiving backlash for her instant style change after dating country singer Zach Bryan, this is just women hating women. Brianna has always been malleable; I believe all the best women are. She never has the same color, hair, or style, and although she is known as the barstool party girl, she never fails to fall in love. It is her when we think of a girl who can do both. Not only has her authenticity led her to a career and life of fame, but it landed her with one of the most authentic artists I know, Zach Bryan.

So, instead of condoning her for her very admirable personality traits, let’s realize before Zach, she was a successful businesswoman, and she doesn’t have to do shit to make any boy like her. I don’t know anyone wearing the same thing in New York City as Oklahoma; honestly, I don’t want to. So, let’s be happy for her instead of criticizing a woman who found a successful career and a loving boyfriend. At that point, maybe we can all support women and the feminist community as much as she does.

