Nicolle Nattrass
8 min readMay 3, 2018


Let me introduce you to the Vancouver Island Medium….

A Sneak Peak into the “Medium Reading room”

Want to join me?

I am nestled in the coziest chair in the room where all the Medium readings take place with the Vancouver Island Medium.

This room with its beautiful altar is tucked near the back of a spacious store called The Amethyst Forest & Spiritual Spa which is located on beautiful, Vancouver Island, BC.


Stepping inside the Amethyst Forest store is a treat for your senses, beautiful crystals, sweet smelling aromatherapy, relaxing music and a beautiful variety of books all guaranteed to enhance and boost your self-care kit. It is your healing home away from home with crystals, books and services offered, Reiki, Tea Leaf & Tarot Card Readings, Mediumship and Yoga.

Together let’s meet, Owner of Amethyst Forest & Spiritual Spa,

Terry Lynn Boyle, the Vancouver Island Medium.

Are YOU READY for this?

I am.

The truth is I have wanted to do an interview with Terry Lynn for a long time. This isn’t our first meeting and certainly won’t be our last.

I am a fan. I am deeply fascinated by her prolific gift to speak to those that have passed on. Yes for those who aren’t entirely familiar with that word, that is what a Medium does~ and if you were sitting here with me, in front of her altar, Terry Lynn might say something like, “Yeah, I do talk to dead people” with a smile on her face, followed by a hearty laugh and you would immediately feel at ease and think this woman, (even though she communicates with a realm that is 100% impossible for the majority of us) is what I like to call, “ the real deal”.

She is.

Like I said, this isn’t my first meeting with her. I have had several readings by her and so I feel that I have earned the right to dive right in with my first question which is what I am sure all of us want to know…

So. How do you do it?

But wait.

There are bound to be a few skeptics reading this right?

More than a few?

Ok. I get it.

It might be difficult to fathom, to believe that this is even possible and that someone like Terry Lynn can do it as easily and authentically as she does. Trust me, I was once a skeptic and have tried my best to “test her”.

Full Disclosure? I have had 2 Medium Readings with her & offered my help at a live event where I was able to witness the power of her incredible gift.

It is ok to be skeptical, my husband was too, well, that is, until after his first Reading with her. In fact, skeptics are some of Terry Lynn’s favorite clients. Why wouldn’t they be? Terry Lynn says she is so filled up with joy , when she sees a skeptic in front of her, receiving a Reading and hearing a message that they cannot deny as the Truth for them.

Welcome skeptics. Maybe I can help by simply easing into this whole conversation a bit. Would it help if I told you that Terry Lynn is not just a “Medium” or “Reiki Master” but also a mother, an active grandmother, wife, sister, friend and aunt just like you and I? She spent 6 years going to school in a place called Happy, Texas and whose work resume includes: waitress, Radio DJ, secretary for a construction company, a Theatre Director and Actor, a Medic and National Certified Safety Officer in the Oil & Gas Industry. Name a few jobs, she’s likely tried them out once or twice.

Or that she is completely transparent and confesses to me that- over the years, she has had to learn to “tone her gift down” and “learn when not to give out free readings”. Like for example, when she is on hold on the phone with Customer Service Reps from Westjet or Telus and she, all of a sudden gets a clear message from that person’s loved one and has said:

“Ok this is going to sound really weird but….”

I admire the humor in Terry Lynn as well as her generosity but mostly what I admire is that her heart is in this for the right reasons, whereas others have pursued “their gifts” driven by fame or fortune.

Terry Lynn has pursued her gift in the face of a long list of many obstacles. In fact, too many to mention in this article.

Her journey to accept and use her gift has not come easily to her. During our interview, she recalls and shares with me her first memory at 4 years old~ what she calls, her FIRST VISION…

It occurred in the middle of the night when she was sleeping over at her aunts house and suddenly she is woken up by bright lights. She couldn’t understand why the lights were suddenly being turned on. She could see the laundry room from where she was in bed and she looked and saw a big tall man, with white brilliant light all around him who was wearing a purple robe draped over his shoulders. Being raised Roman Catholic, Terry Lynn thought it must be Jesus Christ. She called out to her cousin, waking her up and pointed at the laundry room to show her what she was seeing. Her cousin did not see anything but the laundry room and told Terry Lynn to go back to sleep. It wasn’t until many years later, when Terry Lynn saw a photo of the Archangel Michael that she realized that was who had appeared to her.

This was a powerful first encounter that had great impact for Terry Lynn back then and even today as she shares that story with me.That night, she remembers spending most of that night hiding with her covers over her head, being terrified and unable to explain what had just happened.

As we sit together, I listen to her describe another early childhood experience when she was visiting a cemetery and she heard the voice of a little girl who had passed away speak to her. As a child being raised in a Catholic household, Terry Lynn’s experiences with spirit were dismissed and she was heavily discouraged from developing her clairvoyance as it was viewed as more of an affliction rather than a gift.Terry Lynn faced intense shame, judgement and misunderstanding from her closest family members.

It is clear to me that she spent much of her youth , teen years and even early adult years trying her best to hide and ignore this ability she had, that she could see things and communicate where others could not and somehow, through all of those years… she managed to not only survive but also to~

Be Brave.

Be Brave~

Further challenges lay ahead for Terry Lynn, particularly the years between 1996 and 2000 which resulted in the loss of several significant people in Terry Lynn’s life including her mother and stepfather, grandparents, a niece, a nephew, her best friend and several others.

By the time she was in her early 40’s,Terry Lynn found herself being bombarded by messages from Spirit for people, often strangers, who were around her at work, restaurants, bars, ball games, public transit and other social situations. It became increasingly difficult for her to continue disregarding her gifts.

Finally, in January of 2014, Terry Lynn decided to take a leap and posted on her Facebook page:

“ I am a Medium, that is what I DO. So if you don’t like it, you can just delete me now”.

She laughs about this Facebook status post recalling one response that surprised her with-“ Oh I am a LARGE”. She says that yes friends did delete her but what mattered most was that she herself, had finally accepted her gift. She had previously dabbled in readings in 2009 through Reiki sessions but had yet to have the freedom or confidence to come out in a public way.

I ask Terry Lynn what is the BEST part of her finally being able to accept her gift and share it, tears come to her eyes and she says with a smile on her face & without hesitation~

“Being able to help someone start to heal the hole in their heart, for them to be at Peace and to be able to witness a healing occur right in front of my eyes.”

There is silence. A sweet silence that falls upon us in her Reading room and I finally ask~ So how do you do it? How does this happen to you?

Terry Lynn describes it as a feeling that comes to her, that she feels when they (those who have passed on) want to communicate through her.

When this process happens, all 5 of her senses engage but usually there are 2 key signals that occur, one is that she might feel a tickle in her throat or a cough begin. A cough that she can’t ignore, a persistent cough which I have been witness to at her live event.

The second sign that happens is that she is suddenly struck by emotion, that comes on very quickly and intensely. These are two clues that she is receiving a message, someone is trying to speak with her. A cough or cry, the body signals are what tune in first. She says the information she receives comes differently, as she listens she gains more information, for example, how the person speaks, a turn of phrase that they often used, a mannerism, a physical body posture that they communicate with her. She said, she often knows (and has no idea why) but she knows how the deceased liked to comfort the person or how the deceased said Goodnight.

She describes it, as she tunes in to piece a spiritual puzzle together in order to get a whole picture.

Piecing a Spiritual Puzzle together~

In my mind, I immediately affectionately see her as a “Detective”, a Divine Detective listening to complete a Spiritual transaction of sorts.

An intimate exchange where Terry Lynn is the Messenger and with an Open Mind, you receive the messages.It has been my pleasure to introduce Terry Lynn to you, if you would like to connect with her, you are lucky as there are many options to do so.

You can book a Skype/ Video Reading with her, you can tune in to AIR1 Psychic Radio and Moonstruck TV to the “Terry Lynn Boyle Show” on Tuesday evenings where she does live readings all over the world and if you find yourself near her store,you can always pop in and book a reading with her but best of all?

You will get to meet Terry Lynn, the Vancouver Island Medium.

And Frankie, can’t forget about Frankie.

Terry Lynn Boyle, the Vancouver Island Medium (and Frankie)

Curious to know more? Links for you~

Amethyst Forest Website~

“Terry Lynn Boyle Show”~AIR 1 Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV

Amethyst Forest Facebook Page ~

