2 min readNov 19, 2015

Guide to Fitness and Exercise

If you want to be truly fit physically, an exercise program is good for you. With exercise you can greatly see improvements in your physical well being.

Exercise is the solution for a physically weak body. This is because exercise is known to be able to cure sicknesses especially those which has something to do with the heart. It is said that exercise can help people prevent or recover from some types of cancer. People with arthritis can be helped with regular exercise. Also, if a person is continuously experiencing depression, exercise is said to be able to prevent it. These are just some of the physical ailments that exercise can help prevent or recover from.

Aside from countering disease, one great use of exercise is to lose weight, to lose fats. Because even if you are having some form of diet, without exercise, you can still become fat with the healthy foods that you are eating. Whereas when diet is taken with regular exercise you can be sure that you will be burning a lot of calories and shedding off some unwanted weight. Exercise guides at this website can also help you look your physical best with well-toned and trimmed muscles.

So if you want to get the benefits of exercise, you need to keep on doing it. Exercise does not only mean going to the gym and following a strenuous regimen of workouts, although this is very good for the body. But truth be told, any form or levels of exercise can be beneficial to any person.

Even b3 guides or exercise each day can greatly help in losing weight and making you feel better about yourself. There are many types of exercise that you can do. You can take walks, dance, do gardening, or biking. There are even some household chores that can pass as an exercise activity. The important thing to remember is that it is best to do exercises that you will enjoy. Because when there is enjoyment, it is very likely that it becomes a habit to you. Thus, it is important to choose the exercises that you know will keep you going.

The amount of exercise you do depends on certain factors. The common recommendation is to do at least 30 minutes of moderately-intense physical activities daily, or most days of the week. Even if you are not able to do the 30 minutes regularly you can still gain many benefits. Even at 5 minutes a day, there will still be benefits as long as it is done regularly.

The intensity of the exercise can be measured through your heart rate during the activity. You should exercise within the range that your heart can take. If you want to read more about fitness and health, you may visit