How does the Ethereum Virtual Machine work?

Nicolò Farfante
2 min readDec 29, 2022


The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the runtime environment for smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain. It is a decentralized, Turing-complete virtual machine that executes smart contract code written in Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for the EVM.

The EVM is designed to be isolated from the network, operating system, and hardware on which it runs, allowing smart contracts to be executed in a predictable and secure manner. It is implemented in a low-level language called Ethereum bytecode, which is compiled from Solidity source code and stored on the blockchain.

When a smart contract is executed on the EVM, it is run on every node in the Ethereum network. Each node in the network receives a copy of the contract code and the input data and executes the code using its local EVM instance. The output of the execution is then broadcast to the network and recorded in the blockchain.

The EVM is designed to be resource-efficient, using a “gas” system to limit the amount of computation that can be performed in a single contract execution. This helps to prevent abuses such as infinite loops or expensive computations and ensures that the EVM can operate efficiently without requiring specialized hardware.

The EVM is an important part of the Ethereum ecosystem, as it enables developers to create and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications on the blockchain. It is a key component of Ethereum’s decentralized, trustless model, and plays a central role in the functioning of the network.

