Truffle migrations explained

Nicolò Farfante
2 min readJan 9, 2023


Migrations are a way to track the progress of your contract deployments. When you deploy a contract using Truffle, it stores a record of the deployment in a special contract called the Migrations contract. This allows you to keep track of which contracts have been deployed and to run additional deployments as needed.

Migrations are implemented as JavaScript files that export a function with a specific signature. When you run the truffle deploy command, Truffle will execute the migrations in the order they are defined in your project, starting with the first migration and ending with the last.

There are several benefits to using migrations:

  1. Migrations make it easy to deploy multiple contracts in a specific order. This is useful if you have contracts that depend on each other, as you can ensure that the required contracts are deployed before the dependent contracts.
  2. Migrations allow you to deploy the same contracts to multiple networks. For example, you might have a development network, a staging network, and a production network. You can use the same set of migrations to deploy your contracts to all of these networks, with each deployment tracked in the Migrations contract.
  3. Migrations provide a way to roll back deployments if something goes wrong. If you need to deploy a contract and it fails, you can use Truffle’s truffle migrate:revert command to roll back the deployment and try again.

Overall, migrations are a helpful tool for tracking and managing the deployment of your contracts, and they are a key part of the Truffle development workflow.

