Stealth Mint for NFTs

Nicolò Roscini
3 min readApr 7, 2022


This is something I perceive as absolutely undervalued. Stealth mint is the approach the founders of a project decide to use when dropping their NFTs to the market for the first time.
I define it in this way even tho it’s not like the “lazy minting” which is actually a minting technique…this is more a marketing strategy.

The reason why is underrated is the following: when you’re thinking for the long term, you’re not interested in having traders inside as owners of your NFTs, you’d rather sell them to people that will really appreciate the utilities, take advantage of the networking opportunities and so on.

Almost every single NFT project I saw on the market up to date (I’m talking about the 99.9% of the projects), had it’s founders trying to create a huge amount of hype around it to sell it fast, maximize return and start having some secondary market royalties from day 1.
Listen carefully now: this is the wrong approach if you’re building some real utilities for your project!

With “real utilities”, I don’t mean creating a fam and all the bs that people keep believing. I’m talking about business-like utilities, where the owners of the NFTs have the opportunity to leverage a network of people, other people’s knowledge, a well-thought service and some other cool stuff that really can shape things differently for them.

Here, stealth mint comes to play.

We all know that marketing is essential for whatever you want to do in business, so hear me out. If you have a long term vision for your project, I believe you should see it as a business more than a bunch of jpegs put together on the blockchain.

Let me do an example before getting into the real concept.
You just founded a business that wants to sell limited

If you’re launching an NFT project that focuses on utilities, you don’t want to sell it to some traders whom interest is to sell it as high as possible on the secondary market…this would mean that your project is not focused on utilities, it’s focused on royalties!

Instead, if you’re really believing that your NFT project has what some people want and need, you’re actually creating a whole new business model, and as a business owner, you want to sell your products/services to the people that actually need them.

The scenario where you sell your NFTs to people that will really need them is full of profits, especially on the long term. The most important part is that your business will be able to grow as it has customers that are using and enjoy its services, rather than speculators trying to sell them higher in the secondary market.
This will make people’s opinion be absolutely positive about your NFT project/business and the perks you offer, make some more people interested into them and grow your profits in this way.

Instead, if you hype up a project you make a lot of money at the beginning, traders will be the biggest owners of your NFTs, they’ll try to sell them higher…and when a market downturn will come, they’ll start dropping them as fast as they can, making the project become worthless.

If the second scenario is what you want, enjoy it! :)

Instead, if you’re planning to re-create the first scenario, me and my company can help you with that.
Shoot me an email at and let’s have a chat about your future plans and some cool ideas with NFTs!!!




Nicolò Roscini

My genuine curiosity brings me to explore the unknown and challenge what we believe to be right, standard and possible. CEO of RSC Enterprises.