PCD Santiago de Chile 2019 Group Photo

Processing Community Day Santiago de Chile 2019 Recap

Nicolás Troncoso
4 min readSep 25, 2019


The idea of a Spanish community in any country in Latin America who makes translations, do workshops, or teach in schools with Processing and reach anyone on this landscape to express with computer as a tool, was always a wonder of me. I was only doing creative coding teaching in undergraduate university and the efforts was to translate Daniel Shiffman, The Nature of Code book for a small group of students willing to open source it, we lacked on speed.
CODED Escuela’s team was another effort for teaching as free as possible, but their members where to remote, the good news was some of the members was working on P5js en español.

In January 11th 2019 Alfredo Duarte invited me and Ricardo Vega to co-organize the PCD2019 with few days of time for planning, was the opportunity to create the space for the beginning of a Processing Community.

The event was:

  • one day long
  • free previous inscription to attend
  • two workshops of 3.5 hours at the same time
  • five speakers


The main objective was What would be the content to teach in workshops for people we do not know how much they know about creative coding and Processing. With two main subject to work with Typography and Shapes, two introductory workshops of 3.5 hours where planned, a group of 10 for Typography workshop and a group of 20 for the Shapes workshops, this was constrained by the space.

Introduction to typography and text in Processing
Introduction to typography and text in Processing
Introduction to Processing: Creation, repetition, and random graphics.

Also five speakers where invited to talk about how they use programming tools in they workflows in ~30 minutes, the list is as follow:

Program Schedule

PCD Santiago de Chile 2019 Program

The Event

As the time for planning a better place, Alfredo’s workplace was suitable enough for a day of activities.

Welcome badges
PCD Santiago de Chile 2019

Typography workshop by Ricardo Vega

Typography workshop
Typography workshop
Typography workshop

Shapes workshop by Nicolás Troncoso

Shapes workshop
Shapes workshop
Shapes workshop


Roy Macdonald on building remote communities
Nicolás Troncoso on spreading creative fields
Enrique Rivera speaking about art and new media

What let the first PCD in Santiago de Chile

We were happy for the amount of people willing to attend, it was far more than we expected and more than the venue and program time limits could support, that left us satisfied and eager to continue building the community.

The creation of a slack channel was the next step for keeping the community connected, and the idea of doing more workshop throughout the year was a task that I personally try to do tackle.

Many Thanks

Alfredo Duarte and the people of Agencia Felicidad for the time spent helping this happened.

Everyone who was willing to share knowledge Roy Macdonald, Paola G. Olea, Javier Garay, Enrique Rivera, Juan De Magalhaes, and Ricardo Vega and Alfredo Duarte for teaming up for a successful PCD.

