
who am i?

1 min readAug 2, 2017

i am not sure i can answer the question with any type of certainty. i have traits that offer contextual clues to who i am. i am a husband, a father, a son, sometimes a designer, sometimes a developer, and always a human. a person with flaws that i continually seek to burn out.

i create, i destroy. i edify, i tear down. i grow, i digress.

i am fairly certain i am misunderstood 95% of the time. a serious soul with a dry sense of humor, nothing sounds like a joke from my mouth and a stern countenance will further convince you i am not joking. i feed on the extrovertness of others, i can sit quietly in the corner of the room having not said a word and walk away content.

some would say i am emotional to the core, i like to look at this as passion. hopefully the one thing you take away from our encounter is the gift of introspection. i constantly am looking for self improvement, i want to know how can i make nic more valuable.




husband. father. creative with loud, loud noises ringing in my head.