it’s for fun

2 min readJun 23, 2018


that’s why we started right, to have fun? to make things.

most people in a creative field started because IT IS FUN. there is nothing more enjoyable than creating something new, some thing someone might find useful.

my kids play with legos, all size legos the giant blocks to their most recent 900 piece set we dropped in their laps to cultivate a culture of creativity. our digital world sometimes strips creativity and imagination from them. i wanted them to have something tangible to create and build.

recently, i heard my son starting to get frustrated because his “bowser castle” kept falling apart. i let it go for a few minutes in hopes he would resolve the crumbling castle fiasco himself. like most four year old boys he just grew more frustrated to the point of tears. *queue dad stepping in*

i ran into the room in time to catch him from running downstairs to quit his endeavor. i grabbed him and asked what was wrong (playing coy). he explained his inability to build the castle and his frustration so he was quitting. i told him, “bud these things are supposed to be fun, let’s step back for a minute and see what we can do to help bowser with his castle.”

building this castle for him had become a chore, he wasn’t having fun. we’ve all heard the statement in some form or fashion, “why do something if you aren’t having fun?” looking at my four year old this thought hit home real hard, real quick. i didn’t want to force this guy to build a castle, but i couldn’t bare letting him quit because he was functionally having an issue seeing

his vision come to life. so i had him pull back and explain his vision so we could start to see it come to life, together.

if you aren’t having fun with where you are, why are you doing what you’re doing? do you need to step back? take some time to gain perspective. i am not in a fantasy world where i live happy all the time.. frustrations come but i have found perspective and time rethinking a situation goes miles to restoring my passion and joy for what i am doing.




husband. father. creative with loud, loud noises ringing in my head.