Visualizing My Amal Experience

Nida Khalid
2 min readFeb 12, 2022


I joined Amal at a time in my life when nothing was making any sense and I had lost all sense of direction in life. And joining Amal proved to be a step towards the right direction. When I try to visualize my Amal experience I can only picture a Ladder with countless steps. It seems daunting at first but when you start climbing it, one step at a time, you get closer to your destination. In the start I was a bit skeptical but hopeful as well. I was hopeful to learn through this experience but was not sure what I was going to learn or more precisely how I am going to learn it.

In the first week we looked into our past experiences and connected the dots: how our past experiences (either good or bad) played a role in our journey towards our goals. We get to know the Principles of Progress, and focus on Amal and Khuddi, the first two principles of progress.

During the second week, we got to know about the remaining two principles of progress: Kaam Kaam Kaam and Aik Aur Aik Gayarah. And a few very important concepts like MVTP (Most Valuable Team Player) and Living a life of Immersion.

The best thing about learning the Principles of Progress was the real life examples of people just like us who practiced these golden rules and made a difference in the world (e.g. Edhi Sahab).

One of the most challenging activities in those sessions was a deep dive into our own self to identify our top three core values. And this activity came with the understanding that with passage of time our values change but the important thing is to be aware of the changes and keeping our values in check. And while keeping those values in mind, identifying your ‘Why’ behind your goals and interests. Through these series of activities I was able to identify my core values. I traced my personal and professional goals, identified the ‘Why’ or true reason behind choosing them.

