Dancing to the tunes of life

Nidhi Patnaik
3 min readJun 4, 2019


Life makes us dance on its tunes, why not dance with it and just go with its flow.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Dancing is not just about tapping your feet to an appealing music track. It is about losing yourself and also finding yourself at the same time.

What brought me here to write this story were the gazillion thoughts running in mind, with one thought leading to another and forming an infinite loop of events. There was this one beautiful experience which made me pen down this story. It was one of the few occasions when I danced with my heart and not just with my feet. There are formal gatherings, family/work parties but it is not always that I am able to let down my guard. This happens as you tend to think about things like ‘How will I look while dancing’ or ‘ What will Mr/Mrs. X think about me?’ or ‘I don’t know how to dance, so people will make fun of me or about the way I dance’ or something else which bothers you.

Dance isn’t just dance. It is magical. Something which sets you free.

It was a dinner with my co-workers post work to relax and spend some time together. After treating our taste buds, we headed towards the dance floor which was glistening in coloured lights. I have done that many times before but this was special. The music carried me away to a different world(that too without any help from our dear cocktails). I was tapping my feet continuously for hours together without losing any rhythm or energy with the music setting me free. In no matter of time, I joined another group of people who were trying to tap their feet to match mine. I reciprocated by trying to sync our steps and also imitating few of theirs. I found out later that one of them was a choreographer whose steps I was trying to follow.

When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.

While the catchy tunes picked up pace, the enthusiasm levels peaked even though our legs were on the verge of giving up. But, the vibrant aura created by all of us together made us tap our feet faster to match the pace of the music synonymous to the fast paced life which we always try catching up to.

And this reminds me, to turn on my favorite music and set my feet tapping on the floor of my living room and dance to the tunes of life. All it takes to dance is the movement of hands and feet, but the essence of dancing is to loosen the grip of life by swaying your body to the rhythmic beats.

I just don’t dance. I breathe. I smile. I let go. I watch the world disappear. I stop feeling sad. I tear down my walls. I lead with my heart. No, I don’t just dance. I do so much more.



Nidhi Patnaik

---My learnings in Life---creating meaning in a world of chaos