Hello and welcome to Java

Nidhi Kumari
4 min readSep 9, 2020
Source : Google Image

What is java?

Java is a powerful general purpose programming language. It is used to develop desktop and mobile applications ,big data processing ,embedded system .

It is a high — level programming language developed by sun microsystem. It syntax is similar to c++ , but strictly an object — oriented programming language.

Java is a strongly typed language , which catches many newbie support in-built garbage collection , which helps in memory management.

History Of Java :-

The history of java starts with Green Team. Java team members , initiated this project to develop a language for digital devices such as set-top boxes , television etc. Later ,java technology was incorporated by NetScape.

Java was developed by James Gosling, known as father of java , in 1995.

James Gosling and his members started the project in early 90's.

James Gosling , Mike Sheridan , and Patrick Naughton initiated the java language project in 1991. The small team of sun engineers called Green Team.

firstly, it was called “Greentalk” by James Gosling . After that , it was called “Oak” and developed as a part of the Green Project.

Finally in 1995,Oak was renamed as “JAVA” .

Why java?

⦁ Platform Independent :- Java is platform independent language means it guranteed to be write once , run anywhere. once the source code compilation will be done , the code will be converted into bytecode .this bytecode is platform independent and can be run on any machines.

⦁ Security :- Java program always runs in java runtime environment with almost zero interaction with OS , so it is more secure.

⦁ Object Oriented :- Java is fully object oriented programming language . It has all OOP features such as classes,objects, abstraction, encapsulation,inheritance and polymorphism.

⦁ Simple :- Java is easy to learn and its syntax is clean and easy to understand. the syntax of java is basically based on c++ , so programmers can easily learn it after c++.

⦁ Multi — Threaded :- A thread is like a separate program that is executed concurrently . so java multi-threading feature makes it possible to write program that can do many task simultaneously.

Why not java?

⦁ Java Architecture Code Is Inefficient :- Java has ability for producing portable ,architecturally code is desirable , the methods used to create this code is inefficient. once the java code is compiled into byte code, an interpreter called a java virtual machine , specifically designed for a computer architecture , runs the program.

⦁ No Back-up:- one of the main problem arises with java is mainly for storage and less efficient for data backup.

⦁ Java Performance :-If we compare java with other programming language like C and C++ which are natively compiled ,then we notice that they are much slower.

⦁ Memory :- In java , the memory is managed through the garbage collector, so anytime the garbage collector works, it deteriorates the way the app perform. The main reason for that is that the garbage collector works only when all other threads are not working.

⦁ Verbose and Complex codes :- Java code can contain many words in it and there are many long and complex sentences that are difficult to read and understand . This reduce the readability of the code.

Where Java Is used ?

1. Android Development :-Java is one of the official programming language Android Develpoment and approx 47% of android application are built in, if you know java programming , then Android development will become easier for you.

2. Web Application :- It is widely used for developing web application and it is a known for server side programming language. Spring, Struts, JSF, Apache Hadoop are some java framework used for web application. websites like LinkdIn , Amazon and many more are written in java.

3. Internet Of Things :- Java is the best programming language for powering IoT Devices due to its versatility and portability .

4. Desktop Applications :- Java is used for building GUI based Desktop Applications. some of the java framework such as AWT, JavaFX, Swing and many more are available which makes Desktop Application Development very easy.


Java has significant advantage not only as a commercial language but also as a teaching language. it allows us to learn object oriented programming without exposing them to the complexity of c++. it allows us to introduce with GUI programmig ,networking ,threads and other important concept used in modern day softwares.

End Note:-

In my next post , I am going to starts with some basic concepts of java programming language.

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