My Learning Journey in iOS development so far…

2 min readSep 23, 2023
Photo by William Hook on Unsplash

I started learning iOS development two months ago when I joined an iOS development team at Microsoft.

It has been a little challenging getting to know iOS because there are a lot of resources on SwiftUI and UIkit separately, but in the codebase, I see them getting used together. Also, writing production-ready code and testing it is quite different from creating the ad-hoc projects we used to do in college.

iOS dev is not as straightforward as the videos “Learn iOS in 2 hours” make it appear.

As someone already familiar with programming languages like C++ and Python, I quickly picked up Swift, the language of choice for iOS development, in about a week. However, the transition from Swift to SwiftUI, a framework built with Swift, wasn’t as seamless as I had hoped.

I get stuck on working on publishers, closures, and creating a UI over an existing UI more often than I would like to admit. When I can solve trivial issues with my code, I gain a sense of accomplishment.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

As a fresher, I am given appropriate time and flexibility to learn things at my own pace. I stay curious to learn it by going through the codebase, reading articles and doing little side projects to get a grip on the basics. I even started doing 100 day of SwiftUI in my spare time.

I am excited about the slow but steady progress I have made as an iOS developer. I am planning to share my experience and knowledge through Medium articles. This way, people who want to learn iOS but feel stuck can follow along. Hopefully, with practice, we all can learn and grow.

Share resources you found beneficial while learning iOS development in the comments!




Software Engineer at Microsoft | I Write About iOS dev, Programming languages, Artificial Intelligence and more | Coffee keeps me alive