3 min readAug 19, 2022

Life Success Satisfaction — Personified Recipe

Reading and listening to talks about the best success recipe which suits oneself and even others, is an inquisition to human minds. Some want to read the Life Recipe and others want to study Success Recipe, many consider both these aims inter-correlated, well that is true. Now why the word personified Recipe, as this depends on one person to another. Everyone doesn’t have the same ingredients or blocks to make the same castle of goals and achievements in Life. Had the same conditions been there for each person, the same or similar successes can be attained by all. This does not happen in real life. This is why the name personified is written here. The current books deal with Success, Goals, and achievements, here we talk of Life Book, not just money earned but the satisfaction gained, which is personified. Personified as in each person has individual special things that occur only in his life, which makes the person so much unique. People are valued for their hardships too, for their bad and good times equally. Every human is unique. However, those in top positions also had tough times but they reached to level to do higher tasks.

We all want to have a life we deserve, desire, and want. There are many self-help books to read, and some of us are lucky to attend live sessions. Certain aims are qualified by success. Firstly, a goal is a task or an achievement to be attained. The goal can be personal or professional. During various phases of life, the goals priorities, and affiliations may change. In summary, all goals of life are not monetary goals. Many goals in life are satisfaction based, that yes, we tried, it didn’t make one win the goals or trophy, but we played the match and it was worth an experience. So, if you liked the match, you were part of the match of your choice, then what is the problem? Not everyone can win a trophy.

The goals once achieved can make a person more determined to achieve the next target using the learned treaty. The same should be for those who participated in the call to attain the goals. You may not have won, but you have for sure, been a part of the match. Yes, you may not get a promotion, but you got an added bonus, but you are satisfied that you have won, your pacts, given you are satisfied and happy. Just don’t let others compare you, and then see, are you happy, are you not satisfied? If you are not happy, then time to ask for more, time to work harder to get the goal. Know the fact that everyone wants to win the top position, so many top positions are not there. But aspire high always for the best results, who knows you win the next time you try.

Life is a continuous match, matches after match, task after task. And know you don’t play alone. But how does he/she make a goal a reality? Was it just hard work? Based on all the notes studied on this topic, this can be broadly divided into two categories. These would be discussed in the next article, in short,

1. Ask and you shall be given. It is said firstly, asking a power that is as strong as the universe

2. Secondly, remind your own mind, and get this a part of the subconscious mind.

Both these techniques can be used to ask for success personally or professionally. They both have their pros and cons. Many self-help books mention the first one more than the second, however, the power of the subconscious mind can’t be looked down on.