how, intelligent minds are beautifull?

Nidhi Mishra
2 min readApr 13, 2022


Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash

hi, i’m the kind of person who speak less but think more and more . I’m a slow learner as well cause when i adopt things at first , it t takes me a little much time to understand things ,but once i got the little gist of that thing ,i adopt it quickly.this slow learning is may be, due to my overthinking habit at every thing .

OVERTHINKER; Oh yess, I also do overthinking at every single minor topic whether, it worth it or not. does’t matter. I usually take things very slowly pace , cause i’ve to think about its all the possible option , all the possible things affiliated to it . And that’s the reason i guess , it takes time to understand things.

The thing is that i critically examine everything, and no doubt it creates problem for me sometime. But i genuinely believe that this is a sign of intelligence. people call me an intelligent mind, cause i less speak and think about the thing very much.

Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

This world is full of talkative people, where a silent mouth is seen to be as an intelligent mind. And what i believe is a silent face looks thousand times much pretty than a chattering mouth. So if you will try to be silent then you will find that the things are actually different as they appear at first.

