How to build a Chat-Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework, LUIS App, and Azure Bot Service (Part-3)

Nidhi Sharma
3 min readJun 13, 2019


In Part 1 and Part 2, we explored Microsoft Bot framework and LUIS. In this part. we’ll take a deep dive into Microsoft Azure Bot Service.

Azure Bot Service

It is a cost-effective, server less chat-bot service that scales on demand. It focuses on building intelligent bots, not how to run and scale them.

Why Azure Bot Service?

  1. Multiple language support — It provides built-in support for .NET and Node.js.
  2. Bring your own dependencies — You can use your favorite packages in your bot.
  3. Flexible development — You can code your bot right in the Azure portal or set up continuous integration and deploy your bot through Visual Studio Team Services. You can also publish from Visual Studio.
  4. Connect to channels — It supports several popular channels for connecting your bots and the people that use them. Channels include Skype, Facebook, Teams, Slack, SMS, and several others.
  5. Tools and services — You can test your bot with the Bot Framework Emulator and preview your bot on different channels with the Channel Inspector.

PART 3 — Hosting Chat-Bot on Azure


  1. Microsoft Azure Subscription.
  2. Bot (created in Part 1 and Part 2) that is to be hosted.

Let’s get started!!

  1. Register your bot.
  • Run Bot Application in Visual Studio. In recently opened browser window, click Bot Framework to register.
  • Sign in with the account on which you have Azure Subscription.
  • Go to My bots and then click on “Create a bot with the Azure Bot Service”.
  • Select one of the available Bot services in Azure portal. Fill in the required details and click “Create”.

2. Changes in Web.config file. Adding Microsoft App Id and Password in it.

  • Go to your Bot Service, on left blade click “Settings” and look for Microsoft App Id. Click “Manage” to get the Password.
  • Click on “Generate a new password”. Copy and store it.
  • Place both the App Id and Password in Web.config file inside appSettings tag like this.
<appSettings><add key="MicrosoftAppId" value="Your-App-Id" /><add key="MicrosoftAppPassword" value="Your-App-Password" /></appSettings>

3. Now, It’s time to Publish Bot Application to Azure .

  • Go to Build → Publish Bot Application → Create new profile →Select Microsoft Azure App Service
  • Check the “Select Existing” radio button and Click Ok.
  • Locate your subscription and the bot web app that you created while registering your bot.
  • Click Publish.

Now you can go to Azure Portal and test your bot there.

Any difficulty? Any suggestion?…Comment Below, I would love to hear.

