The castle of Niemodlin is not only the residence and the place of picturesque views and natural peace and quiet, but also amazing place for photo shoots and film settings. The director of the film “Jasminum” Jan Jakub Kolski was full of delight with the place and left the following impressions:

Niemodlin Castle
3 min readNov 29, 2015

A week before the first day of shooting I settled in a Niemodlin Castle for a while. Alone. That day the owner of the castle wished me good night before his leaving and a heavy door closed. Good, I thought that I was out of danger and out from the White Lady’s visit. I had got acquainted with a mystical legend before agreed to come to this case. It is about a young lady, who shut the coffin on the day of her wedding a few centuries ago. On the way to the bedroom a bit inebriate with wine and excited with calls of her beloved, she turned to the castle chapel and hid in a coffin standing there. Locals found her just on the next day. Almost dead.

I almost had shared her fate because every night I was dying with fear. However, during the daytime I was working as a dog. I set up the camera, designed the scenes, shots and personnel. Soon, I got into the way of the daily life of this place so much that the production of my film had been forgotten and it seemed that White Lady recognized me as the castle resident. Two months later, arranging the film, we discovered the white figure by the window at the background scene occurred in the office of the prior Cleophas (Adam Ferency). She gave a photograph! She was spying on us. Really.

Another wondering surprise. Before entering, a monk told to put something similar to bird table, where a brother Zdrówko (Janusz Gajos) left some food for brethren. Sling hung on forked sticks stuck in the clay threshing floor, took empty vessels, leaving the peaks of soup and stewed fruit. The last day of my work here . . . blossomed. Yes. The entire crew of the film served witnesses. The twenty-eighth day of the shooting, around midnight I asked Cydora (my assistant) to accompany me to the last castle expedition. Guiding with his mobile phone he went down to the basement, then came to the crypt. I stood in front of the graves and quietly as I could thanked the spirits for care and protection.

Originally written for

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