Hey there, we are starting a completely new blog. We will be concentrate on great unique places in the world mainly in Poland to not forget about the Niemodlin Castle which was closed and forgotten for approximately 25 years. But now the historical place is open again and anyone can discover deepest parts of the castle. However, some places are too dangerous to go there, do not forget that the castle was left for 25 years. Don’t worry in future castle will be renovated and there will be a possibility for you to see all parts of it. Coming to the mysterious topics the castle has over 700 years build by the Polish owned by Germens and now is back. Over 700 years there was lots of stuff happening there in the castles in 1500–1600 castle was inhabited by monks, until that they are ghost of monks. It seems that some of locals have seen those monks in their houses. Same people don’t believe in courses but the 3 monks where torturing the people who one day took something from the castle, legend says that the only way to cancel the course was to return that object. People of Niemodlin says that before the castle was open you could see people walking in with some objects and walking out without them.

Please let us know in the comments below what do you think about the Legends of Polish Castle,there are also many other Legends. You could also share your experiences and if you haven’t been there yet you can share your deepest thoughts

