The world in chaos; chaos of its beings

The Writist’s Gems
4 min readSep 25, 2023

Human beings hold a significant position in the world, with both the potential for positive contributions and the capacity for causing harm. Humans are to foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness among themselves. However, the essential mission of nurturing unity and recognizing our shared responsibility to improve the world for everyone has occasionally been sidelined in the relentless struggle for survival.

I recently watched a movie called ‘The Platform,’ which my friend had been urging me to see, believing I would enjoy it. I had been unable to find the time, but now that I’ve finally seen it, I’ve come to realize that the movie serves as a reflection of our contemporary world. Many individuals tend to acquire more than they need, often neglecting those who aren’t in similar circumstances.

While amassing wealth is a common pursuit, doing so with full awareness that it comes at the expense of others is cruel. People striving for more when some are yet to receive anything. This character can be found in every facet of the world, and upon closer examination, we can see it manifesting within our families, workplaces, and even in places of worship. This behavior is highly unjust and could lead to significant trouble.

Individuals who have experienced unfair treatment from others are considered victims. In this role, they face a choice: to break the cycle of victimhood or perpetuate it by causing harm to others. Unfortunately, the latter is all too prevalent in our modern society. When one is subjected to unfairness, it often leads to a cycle of violence, abuse, and malevolence, with each act of unfairness seemingly begetting tenfold in return.

I once thought of bullies and psychopaths as if they were Satan’s doppelgangers. However, I’ve since come to understand that, just like any of us, they hold roles as beloved children, spouses, parents, lovers, crushes, and more in someone’s life. Studies have found that secondary psychopathy is often conceptualized as a disturbance in emotional and behavioral control arising from adverse environmental influences such as abuse, poor parenting, rejection, or neglect.

Further research indicates that young individuals exposed to parental violence at home have a higher likelihood of engaging in bullying behavior towards others or becoming victims of bullying themselves. It seems like we might have played a role in shaping the behaviors of those we label as monsters. It’s truly heartbreaking to read about school shootings and the loss of innocent lives that they cause.

According to the summary of the survey carried out by The Division of School Psychology at Alfred University on lethal school violence. Teenagers say “revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings” reason being that they are motivated by a desire to “get back at those who have hurt them.” and also “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them.” Students recognize that being a victim of abuse at home or witnessing others being abused at home may cause violence in school.

All it requires is a deep resentment from a child towards their family or an employee towards their workplace to unleash centuries of turmoil. Many aspire to lead long and fulfilling lives, but this dream can be cut short due to intense bitterness towards others. While we shouldn’t overly concern ourselves with others’ opinions of us, consistently abusing others can undermine their emotions and convictions. It becomes difficult for them to disregard this when it’s the recurring message they hear.

External factors like abuse, poor parenting or rejection, can often be communicated to others through our words and actions. Thus, let’s make a conscious effort to refrain from unkind words and instead choose to convey kindness through our behavior to those around us. Parents can foster healthy relationships with their children by providing love, support, and open communication. They should listen attentively to their children’s thoughts and feelings, encouraging them to express themselves freely without judgment.

In general, treating others better involves practicing empathy and compassion. It means actively listening to understand rather than just responding, showing respect for diverse perspectives, and being mindful of the impact our words and actions can have on others. Kindness, consideration, and respect should be the foundation of our interactions, promoting a more harmonious and understanding world for everyone.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia.

Let’s share love, spread love, and continue spreading love until love fills the air.



The Writist’s Gems

I am deeply committed to ensuring that you welcome and rekindle the life of Christ within you. I also extend this invite to those who haven’t embraced Him yet.