Technology and Marketing News

Marvel/Disney Threaten Legal Action Against Copywriting A.I. Software Company Over The Avengers

Why did Jarvis change to Jasper?

Jim the AI Whisperer
6 min readJan 25, 2022


The popular A.I. writing tool previously known as — used by copywriters around the world to speed up the production of persuasive content using the power of Artificial Intelligence — has been the subject of legal action by Marvel/Disney due to perceived similarities with the fictional A.I. character J.A.R.V.I.S.

You can try Jasper for free here

To avoid confusion between the two properties, Jarvis has immediately rebranded as Jasper. This is a victory for both sides. Disney/Marvel can protect the IP of their superhero; while Jasper can avoid costly litigation to better spend their time and resources on more profitable endeavours. Co-Founder and CEO Dave Rogenmoser explained on Monday 25th January:

When we received the letter from Thanos — I mean Marvel — two thoughts came to my mind:

Oh crap, Disney is threatening us… But we have a legitimate argument to use the name in this category so maybe we could win.

Actually, this is Disney we’re up against. Even if we have a solid argument, they can keep us in court for as long as…



Jim the AI Whisperer

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!