Why space exploration is important (and why you should care)

9 Reasons space exploration will shape our future

Jim the AI Whisperer
9 min readJul 21, 2022
Photo by Monica Garniga on Unsplash

I admit it: until recently, I wasn’t interested in space exploration. But then I read an article about how SpaceX is planning to send people to Mars within the next decade, and my interest was piqued. The new images from the James Webb Space Telescope blew my mind. After doing some more research on the subject, I’ve come to realize just how important space exploration is — not just for us as a species, but for each and every one of us individually. Here are nine reasons why space exploration is important (and why you should care).

1. Space Exploration will Lead to More Great Inventions

I believe that the future of space exploration will lead to more great inventions. The further we explore space, the more we will find out about the universe and the way it works. This knowledge will help us to develop new technologies that can be used here on Earth. For example, we may develop new ways to generate energy or create new materials that can be used in construction and manufacturing. We may also find new ways to treat diseases and prolong life. So, I believe that the space industry is essential for the future of our species. It is an investment in our future that will pay dividends for generations to come.

The history of space exploration is littered with great inventions that have made their way back down to Earth. Teflon, for example, was invented by NASA to prevent ice from building up on rockets and is now used in everything from non-stick frying pans to bulletproof vests. Velcro was also used by NASA, to keep astronauts’ gloves securely attached to their space suits. And NASA’s research into LED lighting has led to more energy-efficient lighting that is now used in homes and businesses all over the world.

While some people might argue that the space program is a waste of money, the truth is that it’s actually pretty good for the economy. In fact, it’s estimated that every dollar invested in NASA results in $10 of economic activity. That’s because the space industry is a major driver of innovation and new technology. It also helps to create jobs. So if you’re looking for a way to boost the economy, space exploration is definitely one of the best options.

2. Space Exploration is Important for National Security

Space exploration is important for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important is national security. In today’s increasingly volatile world, it’s more important than ever for countries to have a presence in space. Why? Because space is the ultimate high ground. From space, militaries can keep an eye on their enemies and launch strikes with pinpoint accuracy. They can also better defend their own countries against attacks.

Space agencies can more effectively monitor and respond to threats both here on Earth and in orbit. For example, space-based early warning systems can give us critical advance notice of incoming ballistic missiles, allowing us to defend against them before they reach their targets. Similarly, space-based surveillance systems can help us track the movements of potential adversaries, providing vital intelligence in a crisis situation. In addition, space-based weapons systems can offer a vital deterrent against aggression by giving us the ability to strike at an opponent’s most important military and economic targets. By investing in space exploration, we are investing in our national security.

3. We Need Raw Materials From The Solar System

As our population continues to grow, we’re going to need more and more raw materials to sustain us. And while there are plenty of raw materials on Earth, it’s estimated that there are 10,000 times more in space. So if we want to continue to grow and thrive as a species, we’re going to need to start mining the resources of our solar system.

There are an incredible amount of raw materials in space that we can use to help us build a better future here on Earth. For example, asteroids are incredibly rich in minerals and metals that could be used to build everything from solar panels to spacecraft. Astroids can contain gold and other valuables. In fact, moons have potential sources of helium3 that is used to perform MRIs and saline synthesis in nuclear plants. Lunar resources may also provide rare Earth materials such as europium and tantalum that are highly sought after as a component in electrical circuits, solar panels and other advanced equipment.

4. It’s Good For Your Health and Medical Breakthroughs on the International Space Station

Believe it or not, space travel is actually good for the human body. Studies have shown that exposure to microgravity can help to prevent bone loss and muscle atrophy. And human spaceflight can also help to boost your immune system. So if you’re looking for a way to live a healthier life, space travel might just be the answer.

Additionally, currently, the International Space Station is developing numerous medical innovations and technologies that will eventually make their way back down to Earth. These include a new method for growing organs, which could one day be used to save the lives of people waiting for organ transplants. Artificial limbs and exoskeletons are also being developed on the ISS, which could improve life for amputees and people with mobility impairments.

Space exploration can also lead to important medical breakthroughs. For example, research conducted on the International Space Station has led to new treatments for bone loss and kidney stones. Science experiments in space with mice have helped researchers to develop Prolia, a drug that is now effective against osteoporosis. So not only is space exploration good for your health, it’s also good for the health of everyone on Earth.

5. We may need to Colonize Space to Survive

In the grand scheme of things, our time on Earth is limited. Sooner or later, something is going to happen that will make it uninhabitable for us (whether it’s an asteroid strike, a nuclear war, or climate change). And when that day comes, the only place we’ll be able to go is space. So if we want to ensure the survival of our species, we need to start colonizing other planets. And that’s why interstellar space exploration is so important. To quote Princess Leia, it’s our Only Hope.

There are a number of different projects underway that are working to make this a reality. For example, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is working on developing reusable rockets that will one day take us to Mars. And NASA’s Orion spacecraft is designed to take humans to deep space destinations like asteroids and Mars. So while we may not be ready to colonize space just yet, it’s something that we’re working towards. And space exploration is the key to making it happen.

Our growing populations and greed are already causing serious damage. Currently the average population is around 7.6 billion people but it is projected to rise to 9.8 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100 according to the United Nations. With these population levels, we would need the resources of 1.6 Earths to sustain us. But we only have one planet. Earth needs to be the home planet of many planetary outposts.

The truth is, we’re running out of time. Earth’s atmosphere is getting warmer, the oceans are getting more acidic, and freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce. And if we don’t find a way to solve these problems soon, our planet will become uninhabitable. So it’s up to us to find a new home for humanity. And space exploration is the key to making that happen.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

6. Humans Need to Fulfill Their Urge to Explore

Since the dawn of time, humans have been driven to explore their surroundings. We’ve crossed oceans and mountains, deserts and jungle, all in the name of exploration. And space is the final frontier. It’s the last unexplored territory that we have left to conquered. So if we want to continue fulfilling our urge to explore, space is where we need to go.

Throughout history, humans have always looked up at the stars and wondered about our place in the universe. And now, for the first time in history, we have the technology to actually visit those stars. So it’s up to us to use that technology to explore the universe and learn more about it.

7. Exploring Space Could Help Answer a Really Big Question

We don’t know everything about the universe. In fact, there’s a lot that we don’t know. And that’s why space exploration is so important. By exploring deep space, we can learn more about our universe and how it works. We can also search for answers to some of the big questions that have been puzzling us for centuries (like, are we alone in the universe?).

Nearly two-thirds of the American population believe there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe. Generally the public does not perceive UFO threats. 51 percent of Americans say UFOs do not threaten the United States or the world. One of the most exciting things about space exploration is the possibility of finding new life forms. And while we haven’t found any aliens just yet, we have found some pretty amazing things. For example, in 2016, scientists discovered a type of bacteria living on the International Space Station that they had never seen before. This bacteria, which has since been named “Bacillus safensis”, is thought to have come from Mars. So who knows what else we’ll find if we continue exploring space?

The big bang theory suggests that everything in the universe was once compressed into a single point. And while we may never be able to confirm this theory, exploring space could help us get closer to the answer. After all, the further we explore into space, the more data we’ll have to work with. And with enough data, perhaps we can finally piece together how the universe began.

Photo by Ju Guan on Unsplash

8. Nations Work Together Peacefully on Space Stations

Space exploration promotes international cooperation. In today’s world, it’s more important than ever for countries to work together. And space agencies are a great way to promote international cooperation. By working together on space missions, countries can develop a better understanding and respect for each other.

Despite the competitiveness of the space race, the United States and the Soviet Union cooperated on several spaceflight projects, including the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in which an American Apollo spacecraft docked with a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft. The two crews conducted joint experiments and toured each other’s spacecraft. This was seen as a major step forward in relations between the two countries.

The European space agency has also been a leader in promoting international cooperation. The agency has worked with many different countries on a variety of space missions. Thanks to these efforts, Europe has become a major player in the space industry.

The international space station is another great example of international cooperation. The space station is a joint project between the United States, Russia, Europe, Canada, and Japan. By working together on this project, these countries have been able to develop a better understanding and respect for each other.

9. Space Exploration Is Inspiring

Last but not least, space exploration is inspiring. It’s something that captures the imagination and inspires people to achieve great things.

For example, space exploration has inspired many young people to pursue careers in science and engineering. When children see images of spacecraft and astronauts, they’re inspired to learn more about science and math. And when they learn more about science and math, they’re better equipped to solve the problems of tomorrow.

Space exploration has also inspired people to create works of art. Over the years, many artists, authors and filmmakers have been inspired to create paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. These works of art help us to appreciate the beauty of space and the universe beyond, and to consider new possibilities and new innovations.

Exploring space is inspiring a new generation of scientists and engineers. The space program is showing young people that anything is possible. We’re also giving them the opportunity to learn about science and engineering and how they can be used to solve problems.

In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of young people pursuing careers in science and engineering. This is a trend that we need to reverse. And one of the best ways to do that is to inspire young people with the possibilities of space exploration.

Conclusion: To Boldly Go…

Space exploration is important for a number of reasons. It helps us to understand the universe and our place in it. It also promotes international cooperation and helps to inspire young people to pursue careers in science and engineering. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go explore!



Jim the AI Whisperer

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!