Hindu Mythology had place to fit in Relativity

5 min readJan 10, 2018


Einstein, recognised as one of the best minds of this century has crafted the then unusual and now fascinating theory of Relativity”.

It was unusual back then for different reasons, among which one was, It just disrupts our pre-programmed belief of Mind regarding the Time, Though not all have understood it, not even to the basics, but also had this false programming embedded to accept the new reality.

Secondly, it was overwhelmingly complicated and different from what we have seen or understood till then and told / explained by the quoted father of physics , Isaac Newton.

What actually does the theory states ?

Remember the movie Interstellar ? I definitely believe you will, though we understood it or not, it was the impact of the movie which imprints on our minds, the complete concept of the movie is dealt with time travel and relativity.

To give you a simple work around on understanding the concept of relativity. “Time doesn't move at a same speed for everyone/every place”. At places with higher gravity the time moves slowly thus as per the movie though the astronaut doesn't ages up the daughter grows older by the time he returns back.There is a deep technical explanation on how this is possible which drives us away from the concept of this article, but surely do read it.

When was the co-relation triggered ?

Few years ago I was casually reading on the Hindu’s version of Universe, Its formation and End. Where I found a mind blowing math, in which the way large chunks of time (Like years) were classified and unified with names just baffled my mind.To give a sample lets dig in.

Human Existence / Span is broadly divided into four Yugas namely

  1. Satya Yuga lasting for 1,728,000 Human years
  2. Treta Yuga lasting for 1,296,000 Human years
  3. Dvapara Yuga lasting for 864,000 Human years
  4. Kali Yuga lasting for 432,000 Human years

Equalling to 4.32 million human years. A combined unit of all these years would be classified as a Mahayuga and such 1,000 Mahayugas make a single day for Brahma, the god of creation according to Hindu belief system, Brahma Lives for 100 years with equal number of days and nights and having 365 days in a year.

Nextly 100 brahma Years = One Respiratory Exhale time of Lord Vishnu.

I was completely blown away by two things when I finished my reading,

  1. The magnitude of classification of these years into such huge numbers.
  2. Vedas stated the time wasn’t constant for everyone and differs according to the situations and places.

That was the same thing Einstein tried to explain from his Theory.I was wondering was this some kid of coincidence or fault in my perception of seeing / understanding the things.Was I comparing apples with oranges ? I knew that the perception of Bhrama Loka and Vishnu Loka were metaphors of the concept of multi dimensions.I thought due to the difference in levels of gravity among those dimensions there is this huge variation of Time for the ones living in them.But I still wanted to confirm, if there were any such incident quoted in the scriptures regarding this concept of difference in times and its effects.I went onto a deep study then, to find out some instances.

Its occurences in Bhagavatam

Bhagavatam is a holy scripture written by veda vyas which depicts the avatars of Lord Vishnu (A hindu god, one among the trimurthys).

1) Brahma vs Krishna

Brahma once wanted to test the powers this little kid named Krishna who is considered as incarnation of Lord Vishnu.To do so he visits earth and sees Krishna playing with some of his friends and cattle while they bought the cattle out for grazing.Krishna went away for a couple of minutes and Brahma grabbing the opportunity, took all the kids and cattle through with him and hid them in brahma loka and came back to see what krishna does.Though its a just a flash of second for Brahma to do so, the equivalent number of Human years passed on earth and when brahma returns astfonishes to see all the Kids and cattle living happily like nothing has actually happened.He with his yoga drishti observes the its krishna who has taken the form of everyone in the mean time of a couple of years and living with the families of those kids and cattle.Then later krishna explains brahma his concept of Multiverses and Multi brahmas and his existence as supreme power over all brhamas.

2) Kakudmi’s Daughter’s Marriage

According to bagavatam Kakudmi was a king who had a daughter named Revati. She was considered as the most perfectly mannered and good looking princess of her time and Kakudmi was struggling to find a perfect Groom for his daughter. He prepares a list of Kings who he felt were one the best and goes to brahma loka to seek the advice of Brahma along with his daughter.He is informed that Brahma is attending a music performance from Gandharvas and Kakudmi decided to wait for a while, after sometime when the performance is over, Kakudmi and revati goes in to see Brahma and offer their greetings and explain him about the reason of his arrival.Brahma bursts out with laughter explaining that none of the kings he mentioned are alive on earth because by the time he waited for performance 1000s of human years have passed on the earth and the entire generations got changed.He later recommends the name of Balarama who happens to be the Older brother of Krishna as the best match for Revati. Technically proving Kakudmi and Revati were the first time travellers according the Bhagavatam.

Upon some deep reading and research over the stories of Mythology I found these two as instances, but I am still on my study to find any instance which actually states that Gravity has a part of in this scenario.

I am not claiming that these stories have / have not actually happened, I just wanted to state that we need to change our perspective over the scriptures and start observing them from a scientific point of view to understand the encrypted messages in them. If you too have some interesting stories which inter relate with sciences do let me know. I will be starting a series on this topic soon putting my other findings for you to read over.




Entrepreneur at spiritual level, Tech enthusiast with interests in psychology, life, financial management.