Who follows who? People vs Jobs

Dr. Niharika Singh
3 min readApr 20, 2023


It’s high Time to shake hands with the new member of the industry, with pleasure!

As we age, we acquire numerous concepts and skills, and we may feel that we have gained expertise. However, we often find that there is still a lot of scope for learning, and every new day presents new opportunities for intentional or unintentional learning. Personally, I have learned a great deal from my surroundings and travel experiences, but I have gained even more knowledge from books.

Recently, I came across a thought-provoking statement in the book “The Change Book” by Mikael and Roman: “Do people really follow jobs? Not anymore. Jobs follow people.” This made me reflect on my own experiences in both academia and industry, and what I have learned from the people I have encountered.

In the world of thinking and experiencing beyond digital, there is a new fear in the society “ Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take over our jobs?”, “Will these basic skills and knowledge be sufficient for changing trends of the industry?” or “Is only one job sufficient for the new dynamics of the society and industry relationship?”. However, the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no.” while AI has the potential to replace certain jobs if you are not willing to gain skills of “new Tech Magic” in your current job/business service.

The future of the job industry is likely to be significantly different from what it is today. AI will be there to support you, not to replace you! but, this job industry will be totally changed in a few years or earlier than that. Most of the manual jobs will be replaced with two A’s, the Automatic and Autonomous jobs. Yes, both types of jobs are different. Automatic jobs are supported by AI but autonomous jobs are pure AI-oriented. So, those who are skilled in manual jobs, must start gaining skills on “how you can phase shift to automatic” to adapt to this changing landscape. Those who possess both A’s (automatic and autonomous skills) are partially in the safe zone.

For those who bring creativity to the tech field and work passionately with autonomous jobs, you belong to the “talented” community, according to the industry’s current needs. This is because you are saving the most valuable asset of the industry i.e. “TIME”. Industry love those who can earn Money by solving the problem/doing a job in the fastest way possible. so, yes, if you have that tech magic with your A’s skills in yourself and your talent can take any industry business to the higher level off hierarchy, you are in the safest zone. Congratulations! You will be picked up, and you will be the one creating jobs. Jobs will follow you.

In summary, the job industry will undergo significant changes in the coming years, and it is crucial to adapt to these changes to remain relevant.

Good Luck! ❤

