Mr. Navrattan Kothari and his wisdom

Niharika Mathur
1 min readSep 27, 2021


Mr. Navrattan Kothari, with his insights, experience and wisdom has been leading KGK Group since 1960’s. An ardent believer in possibilities and a visionary, he has experimented with various genres in the industry and excelled in them. As the Chairman, Mr. Kothari has been steering the company and enlightening the KGK team worldwide. Strong-minded, humble and generous, he has built a company that is stimulated by life and mortality, placing the highest value on faith, morals and corporate bond. His fortitude and perseverance has been significant in tracing the growth trajectory for the company and expansion plans leading to phenomenal global success. His judicious business acumen and spirit of imparting knowledge to the new generation have been a constant source of inspiration in the path of many success stories.

navrattan kothari

Conquering business frontlines may give a feel of satisfaction to many. But Mr. Navrattan Kothari, finds his satisfaction only in the smiles of deprived and upliftment of society, real contentment comes only through philanthropy. Mr. Kothari is committed to giving back to the people and communities that make KGK endeavors possible. He supports various philanthropic activities that include Healthcare, Education, Heritage Conservation and lots more. He is true epitome of benevolence.

