Usage Of Food Photography For Your Hospitality Business

Niharika Shukla
3 min readMay 1, 2017


If aliens visited earth and got an opportunity to look at social media, they would think it to be a planet full of Cakes, Biscuits and other delicious eatables. Don’t you know that a good photo shot is adorable by all of us? Irrespective of the whole internet to be full of food photography doesn’t ever consider your business to be lagging behind. You can let your business attain the benefits of the cheapest advertising mode- The food photography. Let’s look at the statistics

a. Twenty five percent of the people believe in clicking photographs of the food because they want to maintain a diary only for sharing. Twenty two percent people Product Photography In Jaipur India believe in sharing their final product like a cake to be served with tea. Sixteen percent people click a photograph because they want to document a special occasion like it was your birthday and your friend posted a picture of yours.

b. Seventy two percent of the pictures reveal main meals. Small food items and snacks are not given a lot of importance.

c. 18.3 percent photographs are of the desserts, 17.8 percent photographs are of the vegetables and 13 percent photographs are of the poultry.

d.In the year 2011, specific photographs revealed specific brands.

How can the pictures be beneficial for you?

One of the most important aspects of your marketing is the visual marketing campaign and food photography plays an important role in visual marketing campaign. Since the photographs clicked by you would possess digital form therefore, these Best Food Stylist In Delhi India can easily be shared in the digital platform, across social media and the remaining internet. If your photographs are worth arousing the taste buds, the people would for sure inquire the about the place from where they can acquire the real products. Certain great ideas for your marketing are as-

Invading social media-Image sharing features are possessed by almost all the social networks. You can acquire the maximum benefit of this by posting your food photographs. Are you aware of food to be the leading industry in Pinterest?

Joining various communities-Networks like Facebook and Instagram possess ample communities that are exceedingly active, you can be part of these and reveal Top 10 Food Photographers In Delhi India your food photos to your fans that are always eager to discover the exciting food.

Being the owner of a blog or site-you can take a part of the internet and form an album of the food photography using your blog or your website. You should post your photographs and should pair your photographs with the content of other forms. This pairing will benefit you in making your content as well as the photograph to be enormously effective.

Optimization of your blog or your site for local search would be beneficial for you. This ensures making your content reach your target audience.

Share with us what attracts you the most in the food shots. Do mention the reason too.



Niharika Shukla

India’s Top Professional Food Photographer and Food Stylist offers commercial Food Photography for Food Products advertisement.