nihar mishra
5 min readDec 24, 2019



AWS(Amazon Web Services) is a cloud platform . They provide us with servers and services that we can use on demand and scale easily. In this document we will learn about how Aws Iam service works as well as Ec2 instance functionality .Before start i am considering we all have our aws account with us if not please create one.


  • IAM


Create Groups and user

Add permission to user for specific role

Alias iam user sign in link


Identity and Access Management(IAM):


Identity and Access Management in AWS we used for overall security purpose like add user,groups and give particular Roles.there are some points we need to do before we start :

  • Never Used Iam Root credential inside code .
  • Never Commit credential to github.
  • We need root credential for our initial set up .
  • Don’t share Iam credentials with anyone.

Basically Iam is Global view so whatever we change here it will reflect your whole regions we will discuss region and how region is segregated in different this section we will focus practical perspective.

Create Groups and user:

  • Sign in with your Root User Id and password . Click here for Sign in .
  • Inside find Service search IAM and go to console.
  • After Entering to IAM console we find Group users ,Roles and Policies
  • Here We Need to create User That we are going to use in Rest of our Activities
  • Click > User or in side navigation bar in Access management section > Users
  • I have already created 2 users but we are going to create a new one . click Add user
  • Add username and give access like programmatic access or Aws management console access . here we need to add Aws management console access. After That we have to add console password for login. we will know better upcoming screenshots for now add one custom password . click > Next: Permission .
  • You can see under group section , i have already created Group but we need to create a New group for our user . Basically why we need group ? we need group for giving permission to set of user but in our case we need Administrative access. So let’s create a Group .
  • Click > Create group
  • Give Group name and provide policy name to Administrator Access . click Create Group.
  • Click Next:Tag
  • Tag is optional so we skip this section and for review
  • Click Create User
  • We use this sign in link to sign in our user profile
  • Click this sign in link or we can go to console and find this link above .
  • Before Log in into our User Account . We have to alias this link .(Optional)
  • Click > Customize and give Alias name
  • Let’s open this link inside our browser
  • Its will be ask for password reset .go for it and change
  • We finally create user , group with Admin Policy . After Completing all we can see something like this.

MFA(Multi Factor authentication):

  • Let’s Sign in as Root and open IAM as above discuss
  • Click User from navigation bar .
  • Click Our created Admin User
  • Click Assign MFA and click Manage and choose Virtual MFA Device click continue
  • For virtual mfa we need to install An application named Google Authenticator we can find in both App store and Playstore .
  • After installing that app we scan below QR code So it will get connected .
  • After Added MFA it will create 6 digit random code we need to provide it for 2 times and click assign MFA .
  • How MFA Work each time we sign in as a user it will ask MFA and we have to provide 6 digit pin like below .
  • We completed some part of AWS Iam if any one have question can ask me directly through comment section .

