2022 Wrapped

Nihar Nanavaty
3 min readDec 5, 2022

Ah, yet another year filled with chaos.

2022 was filled with many ups, some downs, remarkable people, new worlds and endless opportunities to be humbled. I find the need to document certain lessons throughout the year and do my best to articulate them here:

Money is fake (this is the furthest thing from financial advice btw).
My perspective on money has completely flipped this year. With cryptocurrency temporarily losing credibility (I still believe), inflation winning, startup & tech valuations becoming increasingly difficult to decipher, worldwide unrest, and major layoffs across the industry I have become very aware of how unstable our economy can be. At this point I’m just glad to have something in the bank, an income, and a career where I learn things that interest me.
I guess keep buying the dip??? How long is it going to last though let me know.

Forgiveness is extremely difficult but vital.
I am a very stubborn person. As I met many amazing individuals this year I learned just how unique we all are. It truly is impossible to always know what someone is going through and where they come from — you can’t really hold it against someone for not being at 100% self-awareness at all times. We aren’t robots. This one took me a while to understand.

Letting go every once in a while really doesn’t hurt and makes life easier in the process.

Your background and upbringing are everything.
As someone who neglected his background and upbringing, I tried to dig into these gaps. In a city as diverse as NYC, it is surprisingly difficult to find a community of your choosing. Accepting my upbringing for what it was instead of attempting to fit in with others from vastly different socioeconomic backgrounds is something that I am constantly working on.

There is nothing wrong with people from different backgrounds. Contrasting perspectives are healthy. However, being around those who see the world the same way as you can exponentially facilitate your pursuit of finding yourself.

ADHD is definitely real (I am also not a medical expert by any means).
I had no idea how scattered and difficult my brain is until I started a new job this year. I found myself spacing out in conversations, anxious, unable to read things and needing to move around every 30 minutes. I have some qualms with it all as my “diagnosis” was a 20-minute virtual chat with some guy who charged me $250 for the session (just business I guess).

Our brains are all wired so differently, with a plethora of unique strengths that we should explore to the best of our ability.

Being wrong can be fun… if you learn from it.
As a hyper-independent person, I am always trying to make the right decisions. Sometimes you need to learn the lesson for yourself even if the world tells you not to do something. Professionally, personally, mentally, whatever it might be. The beauty of your 20s is that you are always moving into uncharted territory, might as well enjoy the process and be open-minded instead of trying to be right ALL the time.

Smell the flowers.
Tunnel vision is deadly. Constantly focusing on what’s next on the way to world domination will leave you confused and lost.
Take a step back, appreciate how far you’ve come and the people that supported you in getting there. Think about where you were last year… or last week even. Being present and content with your own growth and progress leads to more inner peace and clarity, especially in a world filled with overstimulation and insecurity.

Reflection has become something I do arguably too much, but during times like these I am grateful to be surrounded by the people and opportunities that I am today. I hope everyone who made it this far gets to experience that in some way, shape or form.

Keep digging.

*Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer*

